Re:Verse reading–1 Samuel 18:1-16, 19:1-7 (day three)
David eluded him twice.
Yeah, David wasn’t going to stick around for a third chance to duck. Two spears into the mentoring program, Saul’s orders opened up an opportunity to get out of there, and David was off to the front. There would be no third spear. Saul had squandered yet another season of God’s generosity. Even in the sad decline of Saul’s reign, the goodness of God allowed Saul the dignity of teaching a young and capable apprentice, an opportunity that shined a redemptive beacon in the twilight of his kingship. A chastened man would have recognized that redemptive possibility. A chastened man would have cautioned David to take a different path than he had taken. A chastened man would have provided the king-to-be with hard-won wisdom. Saul was not that man. Are you?