Pig people

Re:Verse reading–Mark 5:1-20 (day one)

“Then the people began to plead with Jesus to leave their region”–v 17.

It surprises me every time I read it.  Shocks and saddens me.  They want Jesus to leave!

They’ve just seen a miracle (or heard about it).  Rather than be attracted to the purity and power of His life, they are offended and threatened.

Was it the pigs?  It’s possible.  Animals in the ancient world were currency, wealth, livelihood.  To suggest that God would sacrifice a fortune just to save a man was an unacceptable notion!  Like the Rich Young Ruler in Mark 10, God is fine until He begins to mess with your finances!

“Keep your life free from the love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, ‘I will never leave you or forsake you.’ “–Hebrews 13:5.

Hmmm. . . do I want the Lord, do I rejoice in Him alone?  Or am I a pig person?

A new family for us

Re:Verse reading–Mark 3: 20-35 (day seven)

“Whoever does the will of the Lord is My brother and sister and mother”–v 34.

Family of origin is God’s choice.  Without consulting us, He assigns us to a particular family.  Dad.  Mom.  Brothers.  Sisters.  Crazy cousins.  His decision, entirely.

Along the way, however, a different family develops.   Drawn to Christ,  our hearts change to a new priority ( doing God’s will).  As we surrender to this new purpose, we discover others who have the same heart.  God is our Father.  We are family, and often closer to each other than to our blood relatives.

In Acts 9, Ananias goes to see Saul.  When he enters the room, he says, “BROTHER Saul, the Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the road. . .has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.”

Ananias understood.  New birth means a new brother.  God calls us to a new family.


Re:Verse reading–Mark 3: 20-35 (six)

This chapter is full of opposition, and some from the most unexpected places. Every which way he went he faced those who would keep Him from fulfilling His mission. The establishment opposed him, demons opposed him, and even his family opposed him, although in a different way from the first two. Here’s the thing, following Jesus is not the most socially or culturally prudent thing to do; it makes you abnormal, like you are “losing your mind.”

But remember what Jesus said, “whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” (Matthew 10:39) So go ahead, “lose” your mind; go crazy for Jesus’ sake; upend the status quo. Will you find opposition? Yes, from some unexpected places even, that mean well (just like Jesus’ family meant well), but like many before you, you will discover that real life is not found in the opposition but in Jesus alone.

The Mission of Jesus

Re:Verse reading–Mark 3: 20-35 (day four)

They must have been listening to the mainstream press…even Jesus’ own kinsmen thought He was misguided.  His mother and brothers did not yet understand Jesus’ mission.  He knew it very clearly…Jesus knew why He had come to earth.

By the time we get to Acts and witness the starting of the church, James…the brother of Jesus…has figured it out.  He has witnessed the resurrection and understood who Jesus was.  In Acts 12:17, we find he is a leader in the church.  James had known Jesus…as a brother…but he had to know Him as his redeemer before he found truth.

Being from a ‘christian’ nation, we could mistake knowledge of Jesus for a relationship with Jesus.  Jesus said, “For whoever does the will of God, he is my brother…”  Just like James, we not only have to know the will of God…we have to obey it!  Head knowledge will not suffice… we must move that knowledge to our heart.


Re:Verse reading Mark 3: 20-35 (day three) 

“Who are my mother and my brothers?” he asked.  You can rest assured that Jesus wasn’t merely asking this question as a rhetorical device.  The scriptures present the Lord as one who did not ask any question that he himself had not wrestled with or give any command that he himself was not submitted to or teach a Bible that he himself did not believe.  With this particular question, Jesus reveals that he has understood that sin will mean the undoing of the closest of friendships and families—that we cannot depend on biology or affinity to keep us together.  Only a new kind of life with bonds created by the Holy Spirit will do that.  Who are you counting on so that you will not be alone?  Only the community of Christ will last.

Down Time

Re:Verse reading Mark 3: 20-35 (day two) 

“And He came home, and the crowd gathered again, to such an extent that they could not even eat a meal.” Vs. 20

I took the day off today. It was a big weekend. There was lots going on, and I spent a lot of time preparing and presenting Christmas at First. I don’t often take a personal day, but I did today. Maybe that is why this scripture spoke to me. We often speak of Jesus not having a home or a “place to lay his head,” and, depending on your translation, verse 20 may say “into a home.” Regardless of whether it was Jesus’ own house, he still needed to eat. He still needed rest.

I find a strange dichotomy between the command for Sabbath and our excuse to “get away.” We are made to rest, and the command is to rest in the Lord. To spend our time meditating and communing with him. How often, though, do we check our Christianity at the door on the premise that we just need a break. Jesus needed and deserved rest, but Jesus never gave up his call follow his father’s command. There are two lessons here: Find Sabbath, never abandon your call.



Christ and His critics

Re:Verse reading–Mark 3: 20-35 (day one)

“He is possessed by Beelzebub!”–v 22

Reality check #1.  The way of Christ is narrow.  Not many people are going to actually walk it toward an eternity with God.

Reality check #2. Those who don’t follow Christ will arrive at some conclusion (evaluation) of Christ and His followers.

Reality check #3.  These conclusions may not always be kind.

Mark 3 describes the growing opposition to Jesus.  “A man who goes around talking about God and healing people has got to be stopped!  Am I right?”  So, His enemies turn to a familiar tactic.  Rumors.  Gossip.  When in doubt, sling mud!

“He is demon possessed”, they whispered to the tabloids.  Without any mention of the demonic, even His family seems concerned about His mental stability–v 20.

Such encouragement to see Jesus unwounded and undefeated by such unfair criticism!  Secure in the Father, He answers the critics as best He can and then He moves forward!

Great lesson!  Great Savior!


Re:Verse reading–Mark 2:1-12 (day seven)

Healing a paralyzed man is something only God can do and signals (is a sign) of Christ’s identity.  Like the Father, Jesus is caring and capable and competent.  Nothing is too hard for Him.

But physical healing, at least in this story, is sort of an afterthought.  For Jesus, the spiritual healing of the man is more important.  The visible miracle points to/proves a larger truth.

Reflection on this event leads to two powerful conclusions.  1) Sin is the real problem. Always.  For all.  2) Christ has authority to “send it away” (literal meaning of forgive).

When Christ first met me I was paralyzed too.  Not physically, but spiritually.   Helpless to move in righteousness.  Numb to feelings and duty.  A silent and invisible killer had entered my life, weakened my limbs, confused my thoughts.

Christ sent my paralysis away.  Commanded me to walk in the Spirit.

What does Mark 2 tell you about your life?   About Jesus?


Re:Verse reading–Mark 2:1-12 (day six)

What kind of faith gets Jesus’ attention? What kind of faith merits His forgiveness? Jesus doesn’t always heal in this direction, faith first. He doesn’t always say, “your faith has made you well.” Sometimes he chooses to heal first and faith comes later. But not in this case. So what caught the savior’s eye? What kind of faith pleases God?

Hebrews 11:6 tells us, “Without faith it is impossible to please God, for whoever would draw near to HIM must believe that HE exists and rewards those who seek HIM.” What is clear is that all their hope began and ended with this man Jesus. They didn’t know all there was to know about Jesus, but they believed in all they knew, all of what he had taught, and all he had done.

How about you? With all that you know about Jesus, this side of the Cross, is your faith pleasing to God?


Re:Verse reading–Mark 2:1-12 (day five) 

And Jesus seeing their faith *said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”  Who’s faith was Jesus referring to? Some scholars say the paralytic and the ones who brought him. Others say just the ones who brought him. What both of these viewpoints have in common: the ones who brought him, had faith and also influence on paralytic man.

A few observations of these “friends”:  They believed that Jesus could and would meet the paralyzed man’s needs.  They used their influence to get him to come encounter Jesus.  They were persistent in finding an opportunity for him to be with Jesus.

Do you have intentional friendships with lost people to grow and leverage influence for the Gospel? Do you truly believe that Jesus could and would meet their needs?

George Barna’s research continues to show 47% of people indicate that they would come to church if invited.   Researchers also tell us that the Christmas Season is a time that people are more open to spiritual discussions and attending events.

Will you “make the ask” this Holiday season?   Will you be persistent?   Christmas at First is this Saturday and Sunday. Christmas Eve Candlelight and Lord’s Supper Service begins at 5:30.