Default Setting

Re:Verse reading–Judges 17:1-6; 18:1; 19:1; 20:1-7; 21:25 (day five)

“In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did what was right in his own eyes.”

It seems like this was the “default setting” for the Israelites- When there was no King (voice of God), they selfishly turned inward to find guidance and understanding.

Thousands of years later, we see that we are the same.  Sadly, this inward and selfish bent has been the default setting for the human heart throughout history. Apart from a relationship with God through Christ, we are left with our own (man-made) wisdom and understanding to guide and govern us.

The good news of the Gospel, is that God has made a way to speak to the human heart that will trust and follow Him.  Even in relationship with God, there is still the struggle against this “default setting”.

How can we resist?  What can we do?  Start with these:

Accountability-  Hebrews 10:23-25

Discipline- 1 Timothy 4:7

Humility- Psalm 139:23-24

God’s Presence

Re:Verse reading–Judges 13:1-5, 14:1-9, 16:1-30 (day five) 

Judges 16:20- “But he did not know that the Lord had departed from him”.

Questions that come to mind are: 1) I thought God was omnipresent, How can He leave someone? 2) Hasn’t God promised He would never leave us?

We must distinguish between is the Omnipresence of God, the Covenant Presence of God, and the Manifest Presence of God.

The omnipresence of God never changes. He is present and therefore near to everyone and everything for all of time.

The covenant presence of God never changes, for those who have a covenant relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. God is faithful to His Covenant promises to never leave or abandon His children.

God does withdraw is His sweet fellowship (Manifest Presence), which is accompanied by a conscious sense of His power and nearness. Often (as is the case with Samson, Israel, and us), the cause is sin and rebellion against God.

So maybe the Prayer of David in Psalm 51 helps us understand, “Cast me not away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit.”



Re:Verse reading–Judges 11:1-6, 28-40 (day five)

What are the lessons you’ve learned from scripture? How has scripture shaped your character and heart? How does scripture guide you through decisions, choices, and commitments?

Fast forward in the story of Jephthah. When word came back from the king of the Ammonites, Jephthah’s response was a retelling of Numbers 20. In fact, it was 100% accurate. HE KNEW THOSE SCRIPTURES.

Let me suggest 3 evidences that the scripture shaped Jephthah’s life and heart. 1) Jephthah extended mercy to the elders (probably included his brothers) of Gilead by his willingness to help and lead them. 2) Jephthah upon being made leader, intentionally spends time in prayer and conversation with God. 3) Jephthah’s first response (as a mighty warrior) was to seek a peaceful resolution with the Ammonites.

Ps 119- Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with their whole heart, who also do no wrong, but walk in his ways!
You have commanded your precepts to be kept diligently.
Oh that my ways may be steadfast in keeping your statutes!

Patient God

Re:Verse reading–Judges 7:2-8, 15-22 (day five)

Judges 7:10- “But if you are afraid to go down, go down to the camp with Purah your servant”.

It is such an encouragement to read and consider God’s patience with Gideon and his fear. The struggle in chapter 6 (v. 27) continues into chapter 7 (v. 10). Even though he has been given promises, signs, and has clearly been used by God, Gideon still has fear. Yet, God shows patience with Gideon and helps Gideon address his fear.

Maybe then, the goal of the life that belongs to God is NOT perfection, but rather direction. The direction being living “closer to God”. Growing in our faith and trust in God results in a closer relationship with God. We must be determined no matter what our weaknesses, fallibilities, and insecurities to continue to please and glorify God. Our courage and confidence are a direct byproduct of his kindness and patience.

Faith > Fear

Re:Verse reading–Judges 6:1-2, 11-28, 36-40 (day five)

Gideon is struggling with genuine doubt and insecurity. We read this in verses 13-18. Yet, they are not enough to keep him from being obedient to God’s instruction. We all have to manage fear, insecurity, uncertainty, and doubt in different degrees as we follow Christ and obey the Lord. God’s promise was the deciding factor. The Lord’s promise to Gideon is the same promise He makes to us. “I will be with you!!”  For Gideon, it was enough to overcome doubt and insecurity and begin to take steps of trust and obedience. (Judges 6:27) And for us, the same promise can be a tremendous encouragement as we see and sense opportunities to trust and obey God. Will God’s promise empower us to take a first step or the next step? Will our faith become greater than our fears?


Re:Verse reading–Judges 2:1-3, 6-22 (day five)

Josh McDowell has a well known quote on parenting.  “Rules without relationship leads to rebellion”. Perhaps the same concept applies to passing on faith in God. Maybe the young Israelite generation just saw rules (being followed) without relationship (vibrant faith being modeled and talked about by the older generation).  Result was spiritual rebellion.  See Judges 2:17.

Let’s think about our next generation:  Do they see a genuine and dynamic faith being lived out daily (joyful obedience) in the older generation?  Does our younger generation hear us talking about our experiences with God (past and present)?  (Have our children and teens heard our testimony?  Why not share it this week?). Do our children trust God to meet their needs and be worshipped above all else by what they sense and gather from being close to us on a regular basis (parents/leaders/mentors)?

The faith of the older generation needs to be seen, heard, AND sensed. All are ingredients that give great hope in passing along faith in God.

Spiritual Amnesia

Re:Verse reading–Joshua 23; Joshua 24:14-15 (day five)

The challenge and importance of “remembering” is communicated throughout the scriptures. [Moses Song (Exodus 32), Joshua’s farewell (Joshua 23), Paul’s words to the Ephesians (Acts 20), Jesus’ instruction to the disciples and believers at the Last Supper (Luke 22), the letter to the church in Ephesus (Revelation 2)] All of these leaders saw the danger and consequences of forgetting what God has done and promised.

What is it about the human heart that creates this spiritual amnesia? Why do we so easily forget? Maybe it is because we try to make our faith about subjective feelings rather than knowledge and understanding. Sometimes what we feel and think “in the now” overtakes what we know and have experienced with God and His ways.

Some implications of “forgetting”: attendance and desire to worship God on a weekly basis, regard and hunger for study and meditation on God’s Word, fellowship and accountability of biblical community, and the love and willingness to meet the material and spiritual needs of people. The stakes are high. REMEMBER!!

Straying Away from the Formula

Re:Verse reading–Joshua 9 (day five)

Up to this point, there was a key ingredient in the progress and effectiveness of the Israelites: a word from God. God told the people when and how to cross the Jordan. He gave instructions on what to do after crossing. He provided guidance on the logistics of attacking Jericho. God also provided divine instruction for the ambush and destruction of Ai. Yet, when deciding the course of action with the Gibeonites, the Israelites stray away from the formula. (see Joshua 9:14) There was no word from the Lord because they did not seek it.

We must recognize there is more to this world than just the reality of the physical and material world. Scripture is clear about the spiritual world as well. Ephesians 6:12- “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Scripture gives this same insight for making good decisions. Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

Good Friday

Re:Verse reading–Mark 15:16-20, 24-40; Mark 16:1-8 day five)

As believers, the Empty Tomb is the pivotal picture of our faith, hope, and life. But, before it was empty, it was occupied. The scripture tells us in all four of the gospel accounts, that Jesus’ body was placed in the tomb.  The details are given: Who, What, When, Where, and Why. What we know for certain is that Jesus was dead, and that His body was placed in the tomb. The occupied tomb communicated undeniable hopelessness to His followers.

I wonder if they were thinking somehow Jesus could escape death. Maybe at the last possible second, God would send an angel or another miracle would spare His life. There was no angel’s rescue that day. There was no life saving miracle. There was just darkness and despair. Jesus was killed. The tomb was sealed. The guard was posted to stand watch. The disciples were hiding in confusion, devastation, and fear. And the Savior lies lifeless in a tomb.

How did His followers process what has just happened? They must have had a thousand painful questions. “How could He be the long awaited King if He was just killed?” “Is there something we could have done to stop it?” “If they tortured and slaughtered Him like that, what will they do to us?” On Friday they watched, waited, and worried.


The Significance of God’s Presence

Re: Verse reading–Joshua 3:5-17, 4:14-24 (day five)

The Ark of the Covenant is mentioned nine times in Joshua chapter three, and seven times in chapter four. What is SO important about the Ark? One of the most important things about the Ark was that it symbolized God’s presence. What were the effects of God’s presence on this generation of Israelites? They trusted and obeyed God with courage as they looked toward their future. They were able to move an extremely large group together (unity) across the Jordan. They recognized and affirmed the leadership God had provided.

A frequent comment I hear from guests and visitors at our church, is a real sense God’s presence. I wonder what it is that causes them to identify His presence at FBCSA?

Perhaps our prayers for FBCSA these days should be that God’s presence would remain in our church and continue to have the same kind of influence in our hearts and lives as it did for the Israelites: courageous trust and obedience, God’s provision of leaders, and unity.