Re:Verse reading–Revelation 2:1-11; 3:1-6, 14-21 (day five)
Revelation2:5 “Therefore remember”, Revelation 3:3 “So remember”
One of the biggest blessings from working with teenagers is watching and hearing their moments of conversion, and spiritual clarity. It is SO beautiful and inspiring when the Lord comes near and clearly speaks to their hearts. Priorities change. Perspective shifts. Devotion grows. Joy fills. It is always a reminder of the power and strength of God.
So today, will you remember? Maybe these questions will help…Who led you to Christ? When and where were you? Who did you tell? How did you tell? Have there been moments when God was clearly drawing near to you in order to draw you to Himself? How did your heart change? How did you look at life and circumstances differently? Have there been times in church, camp, revival meetings, or personal devotional times when God overwhelmed you? Remember!! Rejoice!!