Retreat is Not Defeat

Re:Verse passage – Mark 3:1-12 (day two) Jesus withdrew to the sea with His disciples…vs. 7a

Retreat is not defeat. Look at this pattern in Jesus’ life and ministry. He was pressed on all sides. He was challenged at every turn, all while he was teaching and healing. Jesus stepped away. He didn’t step away from his assignment and purpose. He stepped away to honor the covenant of God the Father. We are commanded to stop and rest. Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith, and he took time to be still and quiet. This beautiful act of obedience should cut us to the quick. Doing more is never mandated in the scriptures. Doing wisely is our task. Wisdom demands our stillness more often than most of us are comfortable with. He didn’t get to rest long, but it was a priority nonetheless.

Monday Re:Verse Blog – 2/1/2021

Re:Verse passage – Mark 3:1-12 (day one)

Join us as Senior Pastor Chris Johnson, Associate Pastor Aaron Hufty and Associate Pastor Bryan Richardson walk us through Mark 3:1-12 in our Winter Sermon Series: “reMARKable” a study of Mark.

The Gift

Re:Verse passage – Mark 2:23-28 (day seven)

“The Sabbath was made for man.” vs 27a

Rest. A precious gift from the Lord. I write this as I am up late at night with a newborn child. Over the last few weeks I have learned that rest is essential to our livelihood and a true gift. You take it when you can get it. If you have been a parent you know what I am saying (don’t worry I have been warned that two weeks is only the beginning).

If we are honest with ourselves, this is how we approach the Sabbath. We take it when we can get it. Sabbath has become a luxury instead of a necessity. God created the Sabbath for us! It was a gift! God didn’t need to go take a nap after creating the universe. He wanted us to see that we needed to take a scheduled step back and re-charge our batteries. This doesn’t mean do nothing like the pharisees were implying, but we are to spend concentrated time replenishing our physical and spiritual tank so that we can go full speed with the work that He created us to do. Receive His gift this week and spend concentrated time with Him.

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

Greater than David (and Moses)

Re:Verse passage – Mark 2:23-28 (day six)

“So the Son of Man is Lord, even over the Sabbath!”-Jesus, Mark 2:28

The pharisees questioning Jesus had to be infuriated with his answer. Jesus never responded in the way they expected; he always had a way of turning the tables, and this time was no different:

“Haven’t you read in the Scriptures what David did…?”

How dare he compare himself to David, they likely thought. Jesus didn’t have to ask them a follow up question, because what was left unsaid was clear enough.

If you won’t condemn David, then why do you condemn me?

If they had ears to hear and eyes to see they would have realized Jesus was in fact greater than David, and even Moses. David was the king after God’s own heart, Jesus is King eternal. Moses merely received the law; Jesus spoke it into existence. He is Lord!

The Danger of Legalism

Re:Verse passage – Mark 2:23-28 (day five) The Pharisees were saying to Him, “Look, why are they doing what is not lawful on the Sabbath?”  This is the second “interaction” (in a row) that Jesus has with the religious leaders over legalism. Previously, Jesus was challenged over fasting.  In the Re:Verse passage this week He is confronted by them, about sabbath rules. Jesus both recognizes and chastises their legalism.  Jesus has strong words against legalism. Why?  Because legalism impairs a right relationship with God. Legalism causes humans to look at the shortcomings in the lives of others rather than in themselves. (Notice how external this is) Legalism promotes a man-centered righteousness rather than a Christ-centered righteousness. Legalism is dangerous and destructive.
We can/must look to Jesus to find righteousness and abundant life- not follow man-made rules. That is the gospel. That is good news.

Head On

Re:Verse passage – Mark 2:23-28 (day four)

One of the tasks of Mark in his gospel was to establish the identity of Jesus.  We are introduced to a new name for Jesus in our passage…”Lord of the Sabbath.”  Jesus was declaring His deity and authority to the Pharisees and it did not go unnoticed by them.

The commandment to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy had been given to free God’s people to be able to focus on and worship God.  In John MacArthur’s commentary, he identifies 24 chapters in the Talmud that regulated the observance of the Sabbath.  The Jews were not freed to worship, they were bound to slavery to a set of extra-biblical rules.  Jesus was confronting, head on, the hypocrisy of the Pharisees.

Jesus was not one to let things slide.  Are we as diligent to confront false teaching and misunderstood truth with those around us?  We may not be faced with the likes of the Pharisees, but truth and understanding of God’s Word are vital to our right relationship with God.  Ask God to surround you with truth!


Re:Verse passage – Mark 2:23-28 (day three) 

Have you never read…?”

If ever there were an argument for free and unfettered access to the scriptures for all, this is it. The scriptures said what the Pharisees said it said. Jesus opened that lockbox right up. In the hearing of everyone, he posed questions that circumvented the Pharisees’ preferred interpretations. Of course, many people couldn’t read anyway, and that reality presented an opportunity for the powerful to build a worldview on the backs of the powerless. Nonetheless, Jesus’s questions required people to think for themselves, which took power away from the religious establishment. There will always be people – laity and clergy – who will interpret the scriptures in unhelpful ways. Peter says as much in his second epistle. But the Bible is best read in communities where everyone has a voice so that we can all teach one another.

Meet Their Needs

Re:Verse passage – Mark 2:23-28 (day two) 

Jesus said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. vs. 27

As I was studying this passage this morning I referred to the notes in Bible’s commentary section. After referring to the passage that Jesus referenced,   (1 Samuel 21:1-6), it spoke of the difference between the letter and the spirit of the law. I am not a legal scholar, but I do know that Jesus was not trying to be above the law. He did, however, understand why they law existed. He knew the tendency of man to sin and the necessity to point back to a better way. He also knew that meeting people where they are is crucial to getting them to where they need to be. Caring for people is never wrong. Do we see the needs of our neighbors, or do we see how they are not living like us? How can they ever know love if we refuse to see them until they are like us?


Monday Re:Verse Blog – 1/25/2021

Re:Verse passage – Mark 2:23-28 (day one)

Join us as Senior Pastor Chris Johnson, Associate Pastor Aaron Hufty and Associate Pastor Bryan Richardson walk us through Mark 2:23-28 in our Winter Sermon Series: “reMARKable” a study of Mark.


Re:Verse passage – Mark 2:18-22 (day seven) 

“No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; otherwise the patch pulls away from it, the new from the old, and a worse tear results.” vs 21

These other disciples were stuck trying the same routines and rhythms that had been in place for centuries. To put this verse in to modern context, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.” What they were doing was not working (not because of the fasting but because of the mindset behind it). In fact what this verse tells us is that if they continue in these ways, they would make the tear even bigger. Why? Because if we attempt to solve our problems with anything that is of our own doing as opposed to God, we are simply covering up the problem, not fixing it. In order to fix the problem, we must become of the same material in order that we might be sewn together seamlessly. We must become like Jesus!