Dinner and disagreement

Re:Verse reading–Luke 7:36-50 (day one)

“Now one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have dinner with him, so he went.”–v 1.

It was a pattern for the Lord.  A choice.  An example for us.  He stayed in contact and conversation with his critics and opponents.  Dinners not distance.  Opportunities for friendship.

The Pharisees had a different “wisdom”.  Their name is derived from a Hebrew word (prs) which means “to separate or detach”.  They shunned people who strayed.  Disagreement was disloyalty.  Their  “go to” moral instinct was to get as far away from sin and sinner as possible.  (Note the host’s astonishment when Jesus did not apply this “separation policy” to the sinful woman).

But as long as the Pharisee was open to friendship, Jesus was willing to enter in.  The same being true for the woman.

Question–how will people believe unless they hear the message?  Question 2–how effective will our words be if we are not friends?

LIFE Lessons

Re:Verse reading–Luke 6:17-45 (day one) 

“I have come that they may have LIFE, and have it abundantly.”–Jesus (John 10:10)

Twelve apostles (something new) had been prayerfully selected (v 12-16).  Large numbers of disciples were gathered around Jesus (v 17).  Instruction was needed.  Jesus began to teach them A NEW WAY TO LIVE.

His words/rules/priorities (often called “The Sermon on the Mount”) are not the way to receive LIFE.  A vibrant, real relationship with Jesus is the source/secret of LIFE.  The disciples were already joined to Him by faith.

His words/rules/priorities are the way to live the LIFE of God.  To experience it.  To see it deepen into blessing and fruit.  These are the words Jesus referred to in John 8.  “If you CONTINUE in my word, then you are truly disciples of mine.”

An attitude of hope. . . non-judgemental love. . .a generous heart. . .active obedience.  Not how to be saved, these are lessons from Christ for abundant and productive LIFE!

You interested?

Catching people! Who me?

Re:Verse reading–Luke 5:1-11 (day one)

“Do not fear, from now on YOU will be catching men.”–v 10.

Jesus was contagious.  No doubt about it.  A change agent.  His life bore fruit.  Results.  Wherever He went, crowds gathered and lives were changed. He was dynamic!

But, I am not always as certain that I can do the same.  Luke 5 records a significant moment/miracle that the Lord used to teach his disciples this confidence.  Not only is Jesus competent to catch people, He is competent to multiply Himself, transferring this skill into the lives of His disciples.

Have you grown discouraged at this point?  Do you wonder whether effective evangelism is a thing of the past?  Don’t!  Failure in achieving results in Christian service is, most often, an indication that something is wrong in method or spirit.  Unfruitful followers must only draw near to the contagious Savior to relearn His lessons.

He guarantees HE can/will make US fishers of men.

Independence day

Re:Verse reading–Luke 4:14-30 (day one)

Wrong holiday?  Maybe not!

When Jesus returned to Nazareth, His hometown, it was quickly evident that his ideas had grown and changed.  Stretched the limits of the narrow nationalism and “us first” competition with other cities.

Wasn’t a popular move.  As Jesus preached a God who was good to Gentiles, a God who revealed himself on the condition of faith (see Matthew 13:58, another day in Nazareth), the people of His city were offended.  Angry.  Who does He think He is?!

The more a man depends on the Spirit, the less he will hold or parrot the ideas of popular society.  He will be “original” in the truest sense.

Paul later gave testimony.  “For me it is a very small thing that I may be examined by you, or by any human court. . . but the one who examines me is the Lord.”–1 Corinthians 4:3-4

Happy New Year, friends!  Happy Independence from the thoughts of men!

Tempted as we are

Re:Verse reading–Luke 4:1-13 (day one) 

“He was tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.”–Hebrews 4:15.

As a man, our Lord endured all the pressures, disappointments and hardships that characterize the human condition.  Are you tired?  So was He.  Unfairly accused?  Misunderstood?  Him too.

As a human, Christ was also tempted.  Offered false information.  Encouraged toward disobedient choices with disastrous outcomes.

Very subtle.  Nothing cruel or outwardly immoral is suggested.  Small concessions.  Nudged toward a life that is “a reasonable version of God’s will”.

Notice the Savior’s use of Scripture.  Three temptations.  Three thoughtful moments to consider God’s written word.

Here is humanity as it was designed to be!  Here is the perfect man!  In fellowship with God.  Confidence in God’s word.  Obedient heart.

Merry Christmas, everyone!  “For those whom God foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His dear Son, so that He might be the firstborn among many brothers.”–Romans 8:29

Ready for Christmas?

Re:Verse reading–Luke 3:1-20  (day one)

“The voice of one crying in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way of the Lord’ “–v 3

For Luke, John the Baptist is an essential part of the Christmas story.  He will “make ready a people prepared for the Lord” said the angel. (Luke 1:17) Whether a man receives the gift of Christ often depends on his inner readiness.

Do we value preparation in the same way?  Do we dedicate time, attention to the necessary steps that plow up the soil of our hearts for the promised seed?

We certainly practice this wisdom in the material realm!  Think of the preparations we make! We decorate trees .  We purchase and wrap gifts.  We plan meals.  No one expects Christmas to just “happen”.  We get ready for it!

Seven days to go! Is your heart soft?  Eyes open to sin?  Soul sensitive to repentance?  Before we can hear Jesus, we must listen to John.

Are you ready for Christmas?



Re:Verse reading–Luke 2:39-52  (Day one)

“And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.”–v 52.

It is our secret weapon!  We humans can grow.  Change.  Adapt. Learn.

The childhood of Christ sets the pattern.  Like us, the Lord grew.  Many simultaneous areas of life.   Intellectually.   Physically.  Spiritually.  Socially.  Nothing about the Lord was “perfect” if you mean a static condition that makes growth and progress unnecessary.

Becomes harder in adulthood.  More excuses accepted.  But the need for growth never goes away.

The story is told of the mountaineer who spoke one day to Mt. Everest ( before it had been conquered in the modern era)  “You have defeated us once.  You have defeated us twice, three times.  But someday we will defeat you.  You cannot grow any taller, but we can.”

What persistent problem/challenge of your life could be conquered if you learned/changed?  It will likely stay the same, but you can grow!

Promise kept

Re:Verse reading–Luke 2:1-20 (day one)

“Today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”–v 11

The only thing impossible for God (see last week’s lesson) is to break His own word.  He is eternally trustworthy and self-consistent.  Heaven and earth will pass away.  Not His word.  Not ever.

Luke 2 is written 1000 years after God made the promise to David.  One of His sons would reign over an eternal kingdom. (2 Samuel 7:12-13) An eternal Kingdom?  Unimaginable!  Even to David.

As the years flowed slowly by, many forget this promise.  (Most of us have short memories and small faith.) God, however, did not forget.  When the time came, He orchestrated the historical events so that Joseph and Mary (by coincidence-Ha!) would be in the city of David for the Son of David to be born.

“God is not a man that He should lie.”–Numbers 23:19.

Child, what has God promised you?


Troubling words

Re:Verse reading–Luke 1:1-38 (day one) 

“And she was greatly troubled at this statement, and kept pondering what kind of salutation this might be.”–v 29

“Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright.”–Joseph Mohr

Sing it all you want, but it will not be the whole truth.  When God touches the world, calls you to His purpose, it is not always calm.  Not even close.  When Mary told Luke the story of the angel visit she described it as upsetting.   A crisis.  Troubling.

But doubt didn’t delay her trust!  Even with her old goals shattered (and probably some of her old friendships,too) Mary rested in God and His plans for her life.  She had no expectation that truth was supposed to be comfortable.

Is it wonderful when God touches the world?  Yes!  Is it calm and convenient?  Easy to understand or accomplish?  Not always.

When God upsets your world, will you still trust Him?



Re:Verse reading–Acts 23:11, 25:12, 28:16-31 (day one)

“He stayed two full years. . . preaching the kingdom of God and teaching concerning the Lord Jesus Christ with all openness, unhindered.”–28: 30-31.

Strange ending.  Abrupt.  Unsatisfying.  We wish Luke would tell us more, but he doesn’t.  Paul’s story is left unfinished.  A reminder that in this book,  and all others, the subject is Jesus.

Actually, not an ending at all.  Like a final note in symphony, the last word is a summary of the past and a prediction of the future.  Paul was unhindered.

The word means “unpruned”.  Not cut back.  Not limited.  (The Greek word for dwarf was kolos.  Unhindered translates the word akoluo.  “not dwarfed”)

Nothing defeated Paul–not prison, not criticism.  Nothing stopped his evangelistic zeal or forward progress.

“I can do all things, through Christ who strengthens me” Paul will later write.  I am convinced the Lord wants me to believe the same thing about myself.  He wants me unhindered too.