
Easter Re:Verse reading–John 20:1-18 (day three)

“He saw and believed” 

He believed…what? That the tomb was indeed empty? That the body had been moved? The text says in the very next verse that neither Peter nor John—nor by extension any of the disciples—understood that a resurrection had occurred. Far from being ignorant and backward yahoos, as those in ancient—and particularly biblical—times are often regarded, the disciples understood that dead people stay dead. They were not pre-disposed to believe fables and tales of the fantastic. Even though they had seen the Lord’s miracles, including the raising of dead people, the fact remained that the very one who had done these marvelous things had himself been killed. It remained for Peter and the other witnesses to
learn that Jesus Christ had fundamentally altered the future of the human race.

What do you believe?

Re:Verse reading – 1 Samuel 13:1-14


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Author: Bryan Richardson

Bryan Richardson is the Associate Pastor for Counseling and Pastoral Ministries at FBCSA.

One thought on “Shift”

  1. Amazing! Unbelievers believe that dead people stay dead. I do believe no one, Peter, John or Mary, understood that a resurrection had occurred. Jesus has risen! Jesus’ resurrection is proof that God raised him from a physical dead body.

    What do I believe with the resurrection of Jesus? I believe that we all are subject to God’s judgment and that with the resurrection of Jesus, God gives us the power to trust, to believe in Jesus, and to live the Christian life. I believe that old things have passed away, and by believing in Jesus, we have a new life, a life that is less sinful. With the resurrection of Christ, we have hope and a brighter future because of His love and amazing grace for those who believe.

    What does Jesus’ resurrection mean for you? The article below can unlock what Christ’s resurrection means for me and for believers.

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