LIFE Lessons

Re:Verse reading–Luke 6:17-45 (day one) 

“I have come that they may have LIFE, and have it abundantly.”–Jesus (John 10:10)

Twelve apostles (something new) had been prayerfully selected (v 12-16).  Large numbers of disciples were gathered around Jesus (v 17).  Instruction was needed.  Jesus began to teach them A NEW WAY TO LIVE.

His words/rules/priorities (often called “The Sermon on the Mount”) are not the way to receive LIFE.  A vibrant, real relationship with Jesus is the source/secret of LIFE.  The disciples were already joined to Him by faith.

His words/rules/priorities are the way to live the LIFE of God.  To experience it.  To see it deepen into blessing and fruit.  These are the words Jesus referred to in John 8.  “If you CONTINUE in my word, then you are truly disciples of mine.”

An attitude of hope. . . non-judgemental love. . .a generous heart. . .active obedience.  Not how to be saved, these are lessons from Christ for abundant and productive LIFE!

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

One thought on “LIFE Lessons”

  1. Abundant and productive LIFE must come from God. Only God can provide as He is the builder of all things. We all could benefit from Jesus’ teaching to His disciples.

    I know for sure that abundant and productive LIFE that the world approves may contradict with God’s abundant and productive LIFE in God’s Kingdom. God’s Kingdom versus Men’s Kingdom! Men’s standards for abundant and productive LIFE may contradict with God’s standards that Jesus Christ taught His disciples.

    God is about love and mercy. Have we, human beings, consistently been able to behave and act the Jesus’ way? It is clear to me that an abundant and productive LIFE is the fruit that only can come from the foundation of God!

    Life is about choices and consequences. Our attitudes, behaviors and actions are the predictors of our fruits, good or bad! A good tree will produce good fruits. A house with a strong foundation will stay still still in heavy floods or storms. How do we live our lives matter! We are judged by our fruits! God does not forbid people from “judging” others but we must be fair in judging others! How do we judge the fruits of Godly people or ungodly people? And by what standards?

    How do we define an abundant and productive LIFE? By its appearances or its fruits, by real actions or just by one’s mouth. Everything is built on a foundation. What has been your foundation for your daily living? Are you happy with the results that are the fruits of life from your foundation?

    Do we turn to God for each decision we need to make or do we turn to men for the answers to our troubles or struggles and for how to live our lives? Do you feel you have an abundant and productive LIFE? Who is your leader, teacher and guide? What principles do you live by?

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