All Talk and No Action

Re:Verse reading–James 2:14-26 (day six)

“Faith working through love.” (Galatians 5:6) That is how Paul describes a faith that works, much like his pastor friend James does in James 2. They were very much on the same page; both tackling the same issue-dead faith.

Dead faith is all talk and no action. It is all sitting, thinking, speaking, but no going and doing. If we are not careful we will describe ourselves mostly as a people who gather together and sit; we gather for worship, we gather for Bible study, we gather for meetings, etc. That’s not faith, and it is not what it means to be the church. The church is not a place or only a gathering; it is a people who are working out their faith through love in a particular place. By faith the church is sent, it doesn’t just sit.

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Author: Danny Panter

Danny is the Associate Pastor for NextGen Marrieds & Community Missions at FBCSA.

3 thoughts on “All Talk and No Action”

  1. This blog reminds me and all believers that we are not going to church but we are the church. We are the church so we all share the responsibility to maintain and to sustain God’s mission.

    The Apostle Paul and James seem to contradict themselves but I will go with the common sense. Here is my take on this, “All Talk and No Action” topic: First, the church is the primary home for all believers to come to worship God; 2) secondly, the church is the place where we, God’s children, shall discuss what to do and how to share our responsibilities to maintain and to sustain Jesus’ mission on earth– What and who is doing what? 3) thirdly, we all agree that faith without works is dead and works are necessary for salvation.

    Great reminder, “Dead faith is all talk and no action”! Faith alone is not sufficient. I understand it! Words without actions are meaningless. Having a mission without a strategic plan with implementable actions is like having no mission! We just have to find ways to actively engage in Jesus’ mission! We are not church goers but we are the church!! Actions count and we all will share the responsibility to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ through actions that meet God’s requirements. I know we all can participate in some ways. There are so many ways to get involved to keep Jesus’ mission alive. I will follow true believers and will take the first step!

    Faith without deeds is dead. Faith without works is useless. How can you prove your faith? How far can you stretch to prove your faith?

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