Re:Verse passage – Mark 5:21-34 (day four)
Scripture tells of Jesus doing so many miracles, that the reader might mistakenly conclude that they were effortless for him, or that he was just performing miracles right and left. We, in our human thinking, focus on the miracle itself, but this story reminds us that performing miracles was not Jesus’ primary concern.
My favorite professor at Baylor would often repeat, “It’s never about the miracle, but about the message.” This story of the bleeding woman is a perfect example of this. If it were simply about the miracle, Jesus would have perceived that power had left him and kept right on walking – unconcerned with who he had healed. The miracle would still have occurred and the women would have received what she needed. But it’s not about the miracle.
Jesus stopped, intent on finding the person who had been healed. He had something even greater to offer than physical healing – a loving, redeeming relationship with the God of the universe. He ministered to this woman who had lost everything, bringing her into the family of God by calling her “daughter.” Jesus gave her the miracle, but he also gave her the message – the good news of salvation. Miracles are beautiful, but they’re always meant to be a sign that points to the message. The message is this: the Kingdom of God is at hand.