Gates Too

Re:Verse reading–Acts 12:1-19 (day six)

“[The gate] It opened for them of its own accord,…” Acts 12:10b

God is in the details. Can you imagine if Peter were left to pick the lock of the gate, after God had done everything else? Being Peter he probably could have figured it out, but that is not how God works. I like to think that this is a small way of God saying, “I do ALL of the rescuing; Peter you have no part in this other than to receive.”

There is no part in our own rescue story that was left to us to figure out; God did it all, even to the smallest detail. It is also a great reminder that God is in the daily details of the obstacles we face.

There is no gate he cannot open, or keep closed.

A Good Fit

Re:Verse reading–Ruth 2:1-12, 17-23; 4:1-14 (day six)

I am reminded this week that the small things matter. Why tell the story of Ruth? Don’t get me wrong, it’s a wonderful, even quaint love story, but why tell it at all? Why is it in the Bible? One of the reasons, I believe, is to remind us that God is deeply involved in our lives, even in the mundane. Or another way to say it is, God is even involved in the mundane to further his redemption story. Ruth’s story is not just a story about personal redemption, it is a story about God’s redemption of the world.

So, never forget that God is engaged in your simple daily interactions with others; your simple story fits into God’s grand narrative of redemption.