
Re:Verse reading–Romans 3:21-31 (day five)

Romans 3:23 is a good reminder that God looks at the human race far differently than I do. It is easy is to compare my sins to the sins of others. I imagine that some sins are worse or more deplorable than others. The scripture leaves NO room for that kind of thinking/reasoning. There are no “unsatisfactory, poor, satisfactory“ levels of sin. I remember asking a group of students how many of you are included in the group “all”. Everyone raised a hand. Of course that’s the point isn’t it? All of us, each of us, belong in this group!! No grades or progress reports are given. Everyone has failed- a discouraging thought indeed.

But, the despair of the “all” in verse 23 finds great hope in the “all” in verse 22. (Look it up). The righteousness of God needed by all (Romans 3:23) “who have sinned”, is offered to all (Romans 3:22) “through faith in Christ”.

Squeaky wheels

Re: Verse reading – Luke 11:1-13; 18:1-8 (day one) 
“Now He was telling them a parable to show that at all times they ought to pray and not to lose heart.”  (18:1)
[Sorry for the late post. Yesterday was a full, happy day at FBCSA.]  Jesus believed it.  Squeaky wheels get grease.  People who pray get answers.  Significant effort is required.  Maybe, that is why the Lord knew he needed to encourage us not to give up.  Sometimes when I don’t talk to Holly, don’t tell her what I feel or want, it is because I don’t know, myself.  It is an attempt to avoid the emotionally taxing exercise of listening to my own soul, being honest with myself and with her.  Talk is easy.  Truth is hard.  Same with God. Is it possible to live without prayer?  Yes.  It is possible to do so and experience what He promised?  NO.  “Come let us reason” says the Lord.  Talk!  Be honest!  The squeaky wheel . . .