In Good Hands

Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 4:12-19 (day four)

Suffering is inevitable.  Peter tells us that we are not to look to God for relief if we are suffering for something we did and then received our just reward for our deeds.  Murder, theft, evil and meddling (whoa…did he have to include that last one?)  There is no relief if we deserve what we received.  Believers that suffer unjustly though should glorify God and identify with the suffering of Christ.

Verse 19 gives us a summary of all 1 Peter.  We (believers) do not suffer by accident or blind fate.  We suffer by God’s will.  Believers must entrust themselves to God’s safe keeping…He is our Creator and has cared for us from the beginning.  We are in good hands with our all-loving and faithful God.  Suffering for doing right, brings glory to God and purifies us for His service.

Are you in the middle of suffering?  Have you done something to deserve it or is God purifying you for a greater work?  “Lord, open our eyes to see as You see.  Cleanse us and make us useful vessels for You!”


Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 4:12-19 (day three)

To the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice with exultation.”

When you’re suffering, and there is no end in sight, what do you need? You need someone who acknowledges your pain with an understanding so deep that you finally believe someone has actually entered into your suffering. That someone will speak out loud the very thoughts and fears that have been screaming in your head. No “if you’ll just try this” or “let me tell you about a similar experience I had.” Just someone recognizing, appreciating, and speaking your anguish. This is empathy, and empathy originates with Jesus. Jesus comes to you as a fellow sufferer. This is “sharing the sufferings of Christ.” And in his beautiful company, you will endure and rise.

No Surprise

Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 4:12-19 (day two) …but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice with exultation. vs 13

Outside the love of Jesus Christ that verse makes no sense whatsoever. Peter can only make this bold of a statement with full assurance of the truth. He knows Jesus, and walked the path of a disciple that would ultimately lead to his own martyrdom. If Peter can make such claim we are wise to listen. Our present sufferings for the savior are an assurance of his promise. To be sure these sufferings are ones faced in opposition to the world and for the cause of Christ. As you put on the full armor of God there is a full expectation of resistance, but anyone who keeps the faith and fixes their eyes on Jesus will be reminded these obstacles are not the end. Faithfulness to Jesus will have its final reward in eternity.

Re:Verse Blog – 11/7/22

Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 4:12-19 (day one)

Join us as Senior Pastor Chris Johnson, Associate Pastor Aaron Hufty, and Associate Pastor Bryan Richardson walk us through 1 Peter 4:12-19 in our Fall Re:Verse Series: “To Be Holy Like Jesus” A Study in 1 Peter.

Stewardship and Gifts

Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 4:1-11 (day seven)

As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. vs 10

When we begin to talk about stewardship, people shut down, assuming that we are talking about money.  Financial conversations can feel uncomfortable. We don’t like people telling us what to do with “our” money. However, stewardship goes beyond a paycheck and tithe. Most people who enter a church understand that the giving of money is a command from God. Yet, most people who enter a church do not have any desire whatsoever to serve in that church. They simply want to come, observe, give a little money in the plate as it passes, and go about their business. They neglect that God has gifted them with special talents and He commands them to use those gifts in the church. A good steward does not hoard their gifts, they use them wisely.

You have a gift. What is your gift?

God did not design you with that gift to only bless you professionally. He gave you that gift to steward it and give back to Him with it. So how can you use your giftedness in our church?

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Shift in Perspective

Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 4:1-11 (day six)

“The end of all things is near.”

I imagine when that rings true, it has a way of putting everything into perspective. That’s what Peter was doing after all, helping these churches put things in proper perspective.

How about you? If you were convinced the end of all things was near…let’s say, in a month, would your perspective change? Your priorities shift? Would you pray more earnestly? Would you zero in on your most important relationships? Would you try to help others along? Would you be generous? Would you live for what mattered most?

See, that’s what Peter is trying to do here.

Love Looks Like…

Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 4:1-11 (day five)“Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another”

What does love look like?  Let me ask a more specific question…. What does Christian love look like?  Pastor Peter gives us a few snapshots in our Re:verse passage.  First, Christian love shapes how we think and act towards others- looking for the best in others and standing ready to forgive others. This doesn’t mean we ignore sin or that we don’t take it seriously. It means we always seek to find grace as we interact with each other.

Second, Christian love prompts us to welcome others- into our hearts and even our homes.

One last picture from Peter- Christian love serves others as the voice and hands of the Lord. Words are extremely important in God’s economy. Oh, that we might use them as He intends. In addition, God’s strength and attention are on display as we serve others.

The call to love others is an opportunity to resemble Christ most and best.

For the Purpose of Prayer

Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 4:1-11 (day four)

Today, our church has been called to a time of fasting and prayer.  In our passage, Peter has emphasized that because Christ experienced sufferings, we too can expect them.  He goes on to say that several things should characterize our lives, because the end of all things is near.  Foremost in character is to be of sound judgment and sober spirit for the purpose of prayer.

As you fast and pray today, how do you exercise sound judgment and sober spirit?  Sound judgment suggests praying intelligently…accurately discerning the circumstances in light of biblical truth.  A sober spirit describes one who is focused and alert.  Prayer should not be approached with nonchalance or in a flippant manner.  Prayer is serious business…coming before a holy God to hear His voice and petition His mercy and grace.

Peter’s second admonition is to have forgiving love…our culture today certainly does not encourage that.  Make the most of your prayer today, because the end of all things is near!


Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 4:1-11 (day three)

“The end of all things is near.”

The might possessed by the powers-that-be has a shelf life, and there is nothing to be done about that fact. No suffering meted out by any powerful person or state can outrun the time God has set for the end of all things. Let that reality encourage you to keep company with him who is eternal, Peter says. This comforting statement can also invite unbelievers to reconsider the commonly held notion that the world will go on as it always has. Peter’s audacious remark can lead someone to a crisis of confidence, which can then lead to faith in Christ. May we recognize that the world systems are winding down, and may we invite people to join us in awaiting the age that’s coming, when Christ appears and renews all things.

In Control

Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 4:1-11 (day one)  Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins. vs. 8

There are so many things that are out of your control on a daily basis. Situations arise that you are unprepared to handle. There may be financial crises that seem to never allow you to get ahead. Many things will happen to you, but what matters is your ability to manage what you can control. You are in control of your response, particularly to other people. No matter what comes your way, allow no one to say that you lacked charity or grace. Make people marvel at the way you handle difficult people, adversity, or stress. Focus on what the Lord has blessed you with, and start there. Sometimes all you have is all you need.