Already, Not Yet

Re:Verse passage – Luke 18:1-8 (day five) “However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?”

Jesus has just finished teaching on the Kingdom of God. Now, He is teaching us how to live in the “already, not yet” tension. Jesus had come, bringing the Kingdom of God with Him. (Chapter 17). The Kingdom is “already” here for those who believe in Him. But it is “not yet” complete (until His second coming).  Suffering, persecution, and sin are all still prevalent in the “not yet”. So how do you live in this already, not yet tension?  Jesus addresses that question in this week’s Re:Verse text. One of the ways is persistent prayer. Keeps our faith tethered to the Living God (in conversation), who is near and listening. Keeps our thoughts and hopes informed and longing for the coming Kingdom (when faith will be sight). How often and how sincerely  should we pray?  The parable teaches us to pray continually and persistently. Jesus will find faith on earth in His children who pray  like this in the “already, not yet”.

Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

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