RE Verse reading–Acts 9:1-22, 26-28 (day five) “Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples” (vs 1) It is a small word. It reveals a big problem. Saul was STILL breathing out threats. It refers to a course of action that continues even after sufficient cause is given to pause and reconsider. It describes the person who resists the Holy Spirit, ignores the “still small voice” of conscience and stubbornly continues down the previously selected path. It must have been difficult for Saul to watch Stephen die. (Acts 6) It must have also been difficult to hear and ignore the prayers for mercy from the Christians that he arrested and murdered. (Acts 26) There were many warning signs for Saul. He ignored them all. Standing before the assembly that would condemn him, Martin Luther said , “My conscience is captive to the Word of God. . . it is neither safe nor right to go against conscience”. Paul is learning this same lesson.
A Place on Straight Street
RE Verse reading–Acts 9:1-22, 26-28 (day four) “The Lord told him, ‘Go to the house of Judas on Straight Street and ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul’ ” (vs 11) Damascus is one of the oldest cities in existence. It retains, to this day, the feel of the 1st Century. Straight Street is still there. It was (and is) the main East/West highway. In Paul’s day it was lined with Corinthian columns, the address of the wealthy and influential. An appropriate address for an emissary of the the Jewish High Court. How puzzled Judas must have been when his guest arrived, broken and blind and fasting and seeking light. How different Saul’s days would be from this time forward. No longer welcomed into the finest homes, he would be shipwrecked and hungry, criticized and opposed, but he would, at last, be satisfied and saved! “Whatever things were gain to me, these I have counted as loss”. . .even a place on Straight Street.
You will be told what you must do
RE Verse reading–Acts 9:1-22, 26-28 (day three) “Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do” (vs 6) It must have been a great relief to Saul. The assurance of God’s guidance. As a sinner, he deserved no such help. It was God’s great grace. What if we believed this simple sentence for ourselves? It echos a truth we learned in Acts 1:2 “He was taken up, after He had by the Holy Spirit given orders to them.” God does not want us wandering around wondering about His assignment. He will give us orders. The Old Testament speaks the same assurance. “Your ears will hear a word behind you, ‘This is the way, walk in it’ ” (Isaiah 30:21) Christ gave us this example, and taught it to Saul on this first day of his new life. Those who wait on the Lord will be told what to do next. It is His promise to His children.
Our miracle
RE Verse reading–Acts 9:1-22, 26-28 (day two) “Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he could see again. He got up and was baptized. . .and he regained his strength” (vs 18-19) I have been ungrateful. Today I see, with fresh insight, how (appearing to Saul 2000 years ago) Christ was giving a gift to us all. No person, apart from Christ Himself, has had more influence on the world. What we believe, what we think, God was shaping on that eventful Damascus day. Paul will later write 13 of the letters of the New Testament. Through him, the church will understand her missional purpose and her moral imperative. God’s mercy to Saul was His mercy to us! No isolated or private experience, by touching one life, God’s purpose was to touch many. The same principle is at work today. If Saul’s miracle is ours, then all of God’s blessings to us are also intended for others. We cannot be selfish or silent.
No copies
RE Verse reading–Acts 9:1-22, 26-28 (day one) “As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, ‘Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?’ ” (vs 3-4) It is an amazing story. Amazingly true. Who can challenge Paul’s testimony to these facts? He was there. This event changed him forever, and the world too. A God of infinite mercy and creativity working to bring a man to repentance and faith. Why don’t stories like this happen more often in our day? Perhaps they do! Different details to be sure. Different measures of supernatural intervention, but still the story of God’s touch that brings conversion through faith. Perhaps you have no tale of a blinding light or calling voice. If however, you have moved from non-faith to faith, and this by the hand/help of God, then you have a miracle story all your own. There are no copies. God is too creative to repeat himself.
Down into the water
RE Verse reading–Acts 8:26-40 (day seven) “Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him” (vs 38) We will preach the message of believers/immersion baptism twice today. We have no argument with those who do it differently, but we don’t find infant baptism anywhere in the New Testament. Parents dedicate themselves and their children. Baptism is reserved as a confession of personal faith. Christ commands us to teach people this theologically, psychologically important step. See Matthew 28:18-20. We will do so today. Twice. In worship and Bible study we will reflect on Acts 8–how Philip and the eunuch “went down into the water”. It is a clear picture of immersion. Tonight at the church picnic we will preach this conviction as we witness the baptism of 7 new members of our fellowship. “Buried with Christ in baptism, raised to walk in newness of life. . .” Leading us down into the water, God lifts us up to new life.
Scripture and salvation
RE Verse reading–Acts 8:26 -40 (day six) “Then Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet” (vs30) God has a plan of salvation. A path of life for those seeking it. It culminates in Christ. It declares itself if baptism. The content is communicated through Scripture. The Ethiopian eunuch’s experience (Acts 8) perfectly portrays the way forward. Begin with the Bible. Read it. Ask questions. Receive instruction. Trust Christ as soon as the Scripture makes the path of faith possible for you. Be baptized as a confession and sign of your salvation. How little did the eunuch realize when he first picked up the scroll of Isaiah that it would lead him to Christ and joy. How little do we realize it still has this power for us. “Faith comes through hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” (Romans 10: 17) “From childhood, you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Jesus Christ” (1 Timothy 3:15)
Teachers needed
RE Verse reading–Acts 8:26-40 (day five) “Do you understand what you are reading?” Philip asked. “How can I, he said, “unless someone explains it to me?” (vs 30-31) Part of God’s provision for our spiritual progress is people–people who have, themselves, been on a journey of spiritual discovery, who, therefore, can explain things to us. It requires humility on our part–to accept help and to admit that we need it. It also requires us to trust God to call and assign these people into service. Recently, I have recognized a need for a new group of Bible teachers at FBC. New people are joining and not all of them are finding their way into existing classes. Know anyone who has the gifts/calling for such a service? ” The Levites explained the Law to the people. . .They read from the book, from the Law of God, translating to give the sense so that they (the people) understood the reading” (Nehemiah 8:7-8) Teachers are needed!
Their meeting was a miracle
RE Verse reading–Acts 8:26-40 (day four) “On his way he met an Ethiopian eunuch. . .(who was) sitting in his chariot reading the book of Isaiah” (vs 27-28) Does anyone think this is a coincidence? I don’t. Miracles, for me, are not necessarily suspensions of natural law. They are interventions of God in the affairs of men with outcomes that would have been otherwise impossible. Acts 8, by this definition, was a miracle. It happened with perfect timing. One hour later, Philip would have missed the entourage and the opportunity. The eunuch was reading the perfect passage of scripture (Isaiah–the lamb of God). His heart had been perfectly prepared. Philip had been perfectly equipped to trust the Spirit without question or hesitation. People call these moments “divine appointments”. I call them miracles. Those who walk with the Spirit will encounter moments which carry the evidence of God’s involvement and pre planning. What could be better? God offers us life–the opportunity to be part of a miracle.
Our part
RE Verse reading–Acts 8:26-40 (day three) “How can I (understand this passage) unless someone explains it to me?” (vs 31) An angel spoke to Philip but Philip spoke to the eunuch. Wouldn’t it have been easier for the angel to go straight to the eunuch? Cut out the middle man? Maybe, but it is not how God works. Part of the Father’s love for us (His grace to us) is to include us in His meaningful work–the reconciliation of people to God. Our part is to tell the story of Christ. Our part is to be available to the Spirit. Our part is to ask questions. Our part is to interpret scripture, to help the new believer take the first step (baptism) and, sometimes, to go on to the next assignment. There is a great plan at work in the world. The beautiful and powerful drama of redemption! What we need to remember is that we have a part to play!