Re:Verse passage – Mark 6:1-6 (day four)
There are two stories in the gospels that tell us Jesus “marveled” at something. Your translation might say “wondered” – either way, this phrase is meant to portray amazement over something. In our text in Mark, Jesus marvels at the unbelief of the people who “knew him when.” He is amazed at their lack of faith, and that these of all people would sit in the seat of scoffers.
The other story where we see this phrase is with the centurion in Matthew 8 and Luke 7. Though he’s an unlikely candidate for following Jesus, the centurion shows such great confidence of faith that Jesus marvels at him. He marvels over the lack of faith in places where it should be plentiful, and over the greatness of faith in places where it is uncommon.
The idea that Jesus, who is fully man but also fully God, would marvel at anything is amazing. He marvels over that which is important to him. These stories give us two options for how we can respond to Jesus. Will we join the prideful row of scoffers? Or will we give him the full confidence of our faith?