Monday Re:Verse Blog Post – 3/18/19

Re:Verse passage – 2 Samuel 7 (day one)

Join us as Pastor Chris, Aaron and Bryan walk us through 2 Samuel 7.

Monday Re:Verse Blog Post – 3/11/19

Re:Verse passage – 2 Samuel 6 (day one)

Join us as Pastor Chris, Aaron and Bryan walk us through 2 Samuel 6.

Monday Re:Verse Blog Post – 3/4/19

Re:Verse passage – 2 Samuel 5 (day one)

Join us as Pastor Chris, Aaron and Bryan walk us through 2 Samuel 5.

Monday Re:Verse Blog Post – 2/11/19

Re:Verse passage – John 20 (day one)

Join Pastor Chris Johnson, Assoc. Pastor Aaron Hufty and Assoc. Pastor Bryan Richardson as they walk us through John 20.

Monday Re:Verse Blog Post – 2/4/19

Re:Verse passage – John 19:1-30 (day one)

Join Pastor Chris Johnson, Assoc. Pastor Aaron Hufty and Assoc. Pastor Bryan Richardson as they walk us through John 19.

Monday Re:Verse Blog Post – 1/28/19

Re:Verse passage – John 14: 15-31 (day one)

Join Pastor Chris Johnson, Assoc. Pastor Aaron Hufty and Assoc. Pastor Bryan Richardson as they walk us through John 13.

Monday Re:Verse Blog Post – New Monday Edition!!!

Re:Verse passage – John 12:20-37, 42-50 (day one)

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