
Re: Verse reading–Genesis 6 (day three) 

“The Lord regretted that He had made man on the earth.”  God apparently told Moses, who wrote down this account, that the thoughts and feelings which arose in his mind as he regarded the rebellion of the human race were what Moses—and all humankind—would understand best as regret.  Maybe the word “regret” is only the nearest approximation that is understandable to a finite mind.  Whatever kind of movement occurs in God’s mind in response to the lives of morally responsible creatures, it arises from the one reality of God’s person that does not deviate from its intended aim: love.  God will not turn aside from, and cannot be made to turn aside from, love.  In love he exists, he creates, he punishes, he redeems.  Your plans will stand only when they stand firmly within God’s sovereign love.

Choose Righteousness

Re: Verse reading–Genesis 6 (day two) 

…Noah was a righteous man… vs. 9

Ever feel alone? Like the work you have been called to is devoid of any understanding from anyone else. Perhaps you have an idea or new way of looking at something and are convinced it is the way to go, but no else shares your vision. Maybe, like Noah, you are living a righteous life in the midst of a very unrighteous world. What separates Noah, and others who share this call, is that he is completely focused on God in the midst of the depravity around him. It doesn’t mean that Noah did engage in culture, but he did not let it define his actions. He was righteous. When an opportunity came to honor or blaspheme the Lord, he chose to honor. This steadfastness was a credit unto him and his family. If you feel alone think of Noah. Would you prefer to be with the millions who perished on the few that were saved? Choose righteousness.

In the world, but. . .

Re: Verse reading–Genesis 6 (day one)

It was a corrupt age.  Every trace of truth or kindness was gone from the earth.  A barbaric and brutal world.  “EVERY inclination, ONLY evil, ALL the time.” is the Lord’s fair assessment of this chapter in human history.   v 5.

“Yet just at this point, when the black thunderclouds of God’s wrath against human sin were most threatening, a small crack appears.  Grace shines through, and the promise of a new day dawns.”–James Boice.

“Noah found favor with God” says v 8.  Discovered it.  Received it.  Responded to God’s offered grace.  Became (in that dark age) a ray of light, an example of a new/different way to live.  Different principle (faith)  Different outcome (righteousness)

The work of God in the world is often carried out in the life a single individual (or small group) who has come out of the world.  To lead the world, a man must first leave it behind.

Easter Monday

Re:Verse reading–Genesis 4:1-16; 25-26 (day seven) 

“Sin is crouching at the door and you must master it.”–v 7.

“For consider Him who endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you may not grow weary and lose heart. (For) you have not resisted to the point of shedding blood in your striving against sin.”–Hebrews 12:3-4.

Happy Easter!  With great joy we will gather today with people around the world and across all ages of time to shout,”He is risen!”

Our conflict with sin, however, will not be over.  Soon hopefully, but not yet.  On Easter Monday we will all get back in the good fight.  So long as there are unsaved men, and unsafe homes, and hungry children, and dark hearts, the followers and partners of the Savior cannot be finished.

The Resurrection gives us power to fight, not permission to quit.  He is Risen! May the world see His courage in us!  Want to build a church?



Re:Verse reading–Genesis 4:1-16; 25-26 (day six) 

“If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is contrary to you, but you must rule over it.” Genesis 4:7

The antidote to temptation is worship. Is that not what God is teaching Cain? What must Cain do well? It was not a matter of the physical offering, but rather a matter of the heart. “Cain, be careful. If your heart is not in the right place, then sin will be crouching at the door.” What God asks of Cain, he also asks of us, genuine delight in giving of our worship. And where there is sincere worship, there is no room for temptation. That is what God was teaching Cain…and us.


Re:Verse reading–Genesis 4:1-16; 25-26 (day five) 

God allows “life” to continue even in the fallen world (our current world included) outside the garden. There is opportunity for faith in this broken world.

What insights can we gain from Genesis 4 about faith?

Faith THANKS God for His provisions- Eve’s words in verse 1.

Faith FOLLOWS the Lord and His wisdom- Abel’s sacrifice included blood, He remembered and repeated God’s pattern in Genesis 3. (Hebrews 11:4 references Abel’s faith)

Faith continues to LEARN AND SEEK the Lord even in failure- The good news from this passage is that God comes to Cain (verses 6 & 7). The Lord is trying to encourage and teach him.

Faith TURNS FROM SIN AND DISOBEDIENCE back to God- Cain didn’t learn this lesson. He instead, flashes with anger and continues to turn away from God.

Faith is DEPENDENT on God- At the and of the chapter (verse 26) it would seem that the line of Seth would begin to call on God in a regular way- trusting Him for physical and spiritual needs.

Call Upon the Name

Re:Verse reading–Genesis 4:1-16; 25-26 (day four)

Verse 26 – “Then men began to call upon the name of the Lord.”

Fellowship with God had been broken.  First, Adam and Eve had sinned and been removed from the garden.  Cain had killed Abel and had removed himself from the presence of the Lord.  Now, God had given a new child, Seth, and Seth had a child Enosh.  Their response to God’s provision was worship.  This phrase in verse 26 is used throughout the Old Testament to describe worship to God.  In Genesis, Kings, Psalms and the minor prophets, men began to call upon the name of the Lord, after a period of separation.

Have you been separated from God?  Maybe you have still been going through the motions, but feel far away from fellowship with Him.  You feel like you have been hidden from His face.  Return to Him…God is ready to restore your broken relationship.  Repent and ‘begin to call upon the name of the Lord.’


Re:Verse reading–Genesis 4:1-16; 25-26 (day three) 

“At that time men began to call on the name of the Lord.”  This new shining world of self-made men turned out to be neither new nor shining.  The old serpent had sold humanity a bill of goods, and the luster was already off.  And now, men began to wonder if God was still there.  Had he left them?  In the succeeding passages, Genesis tells of faltering, unsteady, tenuous voices seeking God’s whereabouts and wrestling with half-forgotten stories of the days when God walked with men.  Through all those generations, the Bible reveals that God is indeed still here, there, and everywhere, placing himself within reach of all who will address him.  God does not forget men, men forget God.  May we remember him.  Today.

Constant Vigilance

Re:Verse reading–Genesis 4:1-16; 25-26 (day two) 

“And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it.” vs. 7b

One of the characters in the book I am currently reading to my daughter is a teacher who thinks his students are unprepared for the world. He is a very intense teacher whose motto is “Constant Vigilance.” Do we ever have the privilege to let our guard down in regards to sin? Absolutely not! This verse, so early in man’s narrative is a perfect illustration of why we can’t lower our defenses. Sin is there. Sin is always there. Why do you think Paul will later describe it as the full armor of God? Do not grow weary of doing good. Keep your countenance up, and be constantly vigilant.


Taking responsibility for me

Re:Verse reading–Genesis 4:1-16; 25-26 (day one)

[Note from Don–On Sunday, I will preach from the Easter text, Luke 24:1-6, 13-35.  Even so, I encourage you to continue in the daily study of Genesis.  Much to gain!  God bless you.]

Cain learned the tendency from his parents.  (see Genesis 3)  Never take responsibility!  Blame someone else if at all possible!   Cain was angry with God, sad face, rebellious heart. v 5.  Rather than address his own sin, he focused his frustration on his little brother. v 8.

Maybe you see the same tendency in yourself.  I do.  Be angry at life and God! Retreat into unproductive sadness!  Blame others!  Never yourself.

The truth stands, however. God speaks it.  We are NOT victims.  We have NOT been treated unfairly.  All of us are invited by God to walk a righteous path and find His favor. (v 7).  To do so, however,  we must take responsibility and master the crouching enemy.

My real problem is in me.