Not Always What or Where, but Who

Re:Verse reading–1 Samuel 3 (day six)

Don’t we all wish God would just speak to us out loud! He is of course; He is always talking to us through His written Word. In fact as one writer wrote, “If you want to hear God’s voice, read the Bible out loud.” Often though we seek answers to questions that God isn’t answering directly, like, “Where should I go to college?” or “What job should I take?” or “Who should I marry?” These are all great questions of course and should be asked, but most of the time God is more interested in the kind of person you should be when you get to that college, or land that job, or get married to that person.

God is always talking to us if we are willing to listen, and His words are always intended to shape who we are wherever we find ourselves. So, instead of asking “where” or “what” questions start asking “who;” if we can hear God’s answer (in His Word), often enough the answers to the other questions will fall into place.

Like Eli

Re:Verse reading–1 Samuel 3 (day five)

In the next few weeks our children and teenagers will be in some of the most spiritually rich environments of the year. We often see evidence of this in public decisions and commitments. In Vacation Bible School and Youth Camp, our next generation will be learning and reading God’s Word. They will be near believers for extended periods of time. They will be presented the Gospel in music, worship, Bible Study, fellowship, and many other ways. The Lord is faithful and resilient to “call their names”. As parents, grandparents, mentors, teachers, and church family we have the privilege to be a part of their story. We get to participate in God’s activity in their lives. Will you pray for their salvation and spiritual growth?

Like Eli- Will you encourage them to listen for Lord? Will you point them to the voice and truth of the Lord ? Will you also encourage them to be obedient to his direction and conviction?

I’m Listening

Re:Verse reading–1 Samuel 3 (day four)

V.1 – “And word from the Lord was rare in those days, visions were infrequent.” V. 7 – “Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord, nor had the word of the Lord yet been revealed to him.” Samuel was young and inexperienced. He had had little opportunity to see God at work around him and he had yet to meet God on an individual basis…but his heart was tender toward the Lord.  After God spoke to him the third time…following the prompt by Eli…he responded to God, “Speak, for Your servant is listening.”  (V. 10)  This response was not only a willingness to hear, but an inference of intent to obey.  Samuel, like Abram, or later, Saul, did not predicate his obedience to God to first knowing what it was that God wanted.  He was prepared to obey whatever God had for him.

Have you ever reserved your obedience until you knew the whole story of what God wants you to do?  I have.  What God wants from us though is obedience without question…obedience without having to know what the cost will be to us.  May we have faith like a child…may we respond “Speak, for Your servant is listening.”


Re:Verse reading–1 Samuel 3 (day three)

“The lamp of God had not yet gone out.”  Throughout scripture, people have despaired of all hope, only to find that God has not lost track of them:  The children of Israel’s cries, God told Moses, had reached his ears; Samuel cowering in the cave heard God say that he was not the only God-fearing person left after all; Mary realized that through her womb God had brought down rulers and lifted up the humble; Paul, though everyone had deserted him, was delivered from the lion’s mouth of his accusers.  Through all of these events shone the glow that said the lamp of God had not gone out, not yet.  With God, there will always be a not-yet moment—a revelation that you are not at the mercy of the circumstances, but rather at the mercy of God.

Re:Verse reading–1 Samuel 3 (day two) Then Eli discerned that the Lord was calling the boy. Vs. 8b

Have you ever worked a riddle, a puzzle, or some problem over in your head for what seemed like forever only to have someone who had experience with that particular problem explain it away in a matter of seconds. It can be both frustrating and rewarding. You know the answer is there, but you don’t have the experience or knowledge to figure it out. Sometimes God calls, he sends signals, he gives hints, and then he sends some of his veterans to help you fill in the gaps. I am so grateful to know so many faithful believers who have spent their lives in the service in the Lord and who have seen him work through their lives and the lives of others. Surround yourself with believers young and old. Share your story, and listen as they share theirs. Then marvel at the way God reveals himself through a church who desires every generation to know and love the Lord.

Children of God

Re:Verse reading–1 Samuel 3 (day one)

It is a great gift to be raised by intentional, believing parents.  (Samuel’s Mom is an example, and to some extent, his Father as well–cf chapter 1)  He never knew a moment in life when the he did not have encouragement and instruction to trust God.  See 2 Timothy 3:15 for a similar story.

It is not enough.  Knowing about God in childhood faith must give way to knowing God in personal experience of his word.  “Samuel didn’t know the Lord (yet) nor had the word of the Lord (the reality of God speaking to him) been revealed”–v 7.

It is equipment He (all of us) will need.  Young Samuel will immediately be called on to deliver a painful message to Eli.  Heavy assignment for such a young believer!

The Lord still calls and qualifies His children in the same way.  “Those who are lead by the Spirit, these are the sons of God.”–Romans 8:14