Experience is the Best Teacher

RE Verse passage:  Acts 15:1-29 (day five) It’s an old saying that many have come to appreciate.  It’s a truth that has been proven to be full of wisdom.  “Experience is the best teacher”.  When I read the Re:Verse passage this week, I couldn’t help but be drawn to Peter’s words, “God, who knows the heart” (verse 8).  Who better than Peter to utter these words.  Remember the confronting “restoration” conversation with Jesus in John 21?  Peter confesses with humility, passion, and certainty, “Lord, You know all things”.   Peter came to know the reality of God’s power, sovereignty, and omniscience.  It made an indelible mark in his soul that day and taught him a lifelong lesson. God continued to use that experience to encourage him as a leader and servant of the church.  Thank You Lord, for the many lessons You teach through ALL our experiences!!

Guest Blogger: Scott Lane – Associate Pastor, Education, Students & Venture

Who Did What?

RE Verse reading-Acts 13:1-5, 13-14, 42-52 (day five)
Scripture seems to say two different things in verses three and four. One verse says the church sent Barnabas and Saul, while the next verse states it was the Holy Spirit. So, Who did What? Which is true? The answer is BOTH. Now that’s an amazing conclusion with many implications and ramifications. Implications: The Holy Spirit, who is alive in the believer’s heart, speaks to and through each person. When we gather to search the scriptures, worship in song and sermon, pray together, and share in fellowship, the Holy Spirit may be speaking both personally and corporately to affirm God’s Plan for the future and His Will in the life of each member. Ramifications: We gather together with hope and hunger to hear and share what the Holy Spirit is saying. We listen and encourage one another because each has the Holy Spirit living inside them. I can’t wait for Sunday!!

Guest Blogger: Scott Lane – Associate Pastor, Education, Students & Venture

Great is thy Faithfulness

RE Verse reading – Acts 11:1-26 (day five)
Acts11:1  The apostles and the brothers throughout Judea heard that the Gentiles also had received the word of God. 2 So when Peter went up to Jerusalem, the circumcised believers criticized him 3 and said, “You went into the house of uncircumcised men and ate with them.”

I was listening to one of the songs we will sing Sunday morning in Logos.  One of the lines states: “morning by morning new mercies I see”.  Often times these mercies will challenge us to see circumstances and even others differently.  Maybe forgiveness is in order, or perhaps compassion.  What about patience or persistence?  It is God’s daily mercy that will continue to shape our thoughts, attitudes, and perspectives to be like… His.  Glad He’s not finished with me.  Thank You that You send New Mercies each day “Oh God my Father”!!    GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS!!

Guest Blogger: Scott Lane – Associate Pastor, Education, Students & Venture