Speaking to Youth

Re: Verse reading – Jeremiah 1 (day five)
6 Then I said, “Alas, Lord GOD!  Behold, I do not know how to speak, Because I am a youth.” 7 But the LORD said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am a youth,’ Because everywhere I send you, you shall go, And all that I command you, you shall speak. 8 “Do not be afraid of them, For I am with you to deliver you,” declares the LORD.

This morning I am aware of when God chose to “call” Jeremiah.  Jeremiah was a youth.  It was a moment and message that would shape the rest of his life.

This weekend in our Youth Ministry is our Freedom Weekend (Disciple Now).  Over a hundred teenagers gathered in homes around this city for concentrated and intentional times of Bible study, worship, service work, and community with other believers.  A setting that often the Lord uses to eternally change and shape their hearts and lives.  Will you pray for them?  Will you pray that God’s Word will “come to them”?  Will you pray that God will speak to them?  There is NO greater message or moment than when The Living God speaks to the human heart.


Re: Verse reading – Luke 24:13-35 (day five)  Verse 15-  “While they were talking and discussing, Jesus Himself approached and began traveling with them.”  This is the reality of this encounter from the beginning.  The 2 men were with Jesus but didn’t know it (perception). Sound familiar?  Often times our own issues, experiences, and circumstances keep us from a close and connected “fellowship” with Christ.  Notice the word “fellowship”.  The relationship NEVER changes, just OUR ability to hear and sense the presence of the Living God.  One of the significant truths found in this passage is that Jesus shows us the future reality (we experience as New Testament Believers) of the work of the Holy Spirit in the heart of the believer. John 14:26  But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.”

He helps us see and sense REALITY.  The continued promise and presence of the Lord.  Matthew 28- “and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

It’s in There, He’s with Me!!

Re: Verse readingLuke 21:5-24 (day five)
Did you see it when you read this passage?  Did your heart grab hold of it when you read the promise?  Tucked inside this passage of immeasurable gloom and doom are words of comfort from the Lord Himself.  They are words that evidence a greater hope in the midst of destruction and confusion.  They are words that keep the human heart “centered” and “focused” on a kingdom that that will not be shaken or overcome.  It is a promise He makes over and over in the scriptures.  “I am with you always, even to the end of the age” Matthew 28:20, “Abide in me and I in you”, John 15:4.   “For I will give you utterance and wisdom which none of your opponents will be able to resist or refute.” Luke 21:15 (because I am with you, living inside you).

Does that promise bring you joy and peace in the midst of circumstances and tension?  Does it give you less cause to worry and stress over the future?  Does it give you the confidence and determination to live today for His Glory?

Heart of the Matter

Re: Verse reading–Luke 18:18-30 (Day Five)
Ever wonder why Jesus didn’t talk about money or possessions to Nicodemus or Zaccheus (both wealthy and successful)?  Because He knew their hearts.  The kingdom of God is not about money, it is about the heart.

It’s an amazing conversation between the rich young ruler (RYR) and Jesus.  As Jesus addresses the question posed by the RYR (with the scripture), He leaves out one of the commandments.  I suspect the RYR knew the commandments by heart and maybe thought Jesus left out # 10 to cut him some slack.  But Jesus interprets and applies #10 to his circumstances and his (RYR) heart.  Brilliant!!  Beautiful!!  Alarming!!  (That’s exactly what the Holy Spirit does now in the heart of the New Testament Believer)

God knows our hearts.  He is aware of our motives, fears, pride, insecurities, failures, and weaknesses.  God is not intimidated by the sin or darkness in our hearts.  He challenges, questions, and confronts it.  God’s design and desire is to have reign and rule over our hearts. Proverbs 4:23.   “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”

40 Days of Prayer – Direction

As 2013 comes to a conclusion, I wonder how these 40 days of prayer, meditation, and scripture reading have shaped our hearts. Better yet, what will our lives look like “on the other side” of the “40 days of Prayer”.

When reading the Christmas Story in Luke and in Matthew, I am intrigued by the different directions that the Shepherds and the Magi took when leaving their encounter with Jesus. The Shepherds go right back to familiar settings and circumstances with hearts filled and over-flowing with wonder and worship. The Magi are instructed to take a different course. Same wonder and worship. New chapter and change of direction required.

Day35- Pray for God’s direction and leadership as you conclude this encounter (40 Days of Prayer). Proverbs 3:5-6

Whether the Lord requires new roads and new steps, or a renewed heart in familiar patterns, may our lives be filled with the same wonder and worship described over 2000 years ago.

Re: Verse reading- Luke 13:10-17 (day five)

40 Days of Prayer- Search

These are exciting days at FBCSA!  There are SO many evidences of God’s presence and blessing in our church body.  One of the ways I know God is continuing His Work and Leadership in our church, is that He sends us gifted and talented leaders/ministers.

Our church often will use search teams or committees to accomplish this work.  The task of these teams is to prayerfully recommend candidates for specific leadership roles on our staff under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  We have one of these committees currently working and serving (Preschool/Children’s Minister), and another one being formed (Minister to Young Marrieds).

Day 28 –  Will you pray for these committees as they search, pray, interview, and recommend candidates to serve on our staff.  Pray that the Holy Spirit will lead them to the person God has prepared and purposed to serve our church at this time.  Pray for wisdom, unity, and discernment as they meet and perform this “searching task”.

As God “calls” these new ministers to our church will you pray for these new staff members asking God to give them grace to serve and lead our church forward?  What amazing opportunities await our church family as God brings us these new leaders!!

Re: Verse reading – Luke 12:13-34 (day five)

40 Days of Prayer- Prepare

It’s an interesting line in one of my favorite songs.  “Let every heart prepare Him room”.  As we have “prepared” our house to reflect the Christmas season. It took time, attention, and effort.  What would our home look like if we didn’t do anything?  It would look the same as always.  What about our hearts?  What would our hearts be like if we never “prepared” for His rule and living presence (time, attention, effort)?  Every day (especially during this season of the year) there are things (some good, some bad) that compete for our affection and attention.  If we don’t continually make “space” and “priority” for Him, our hearts and lives will look and sound common and even distressed.  Nothing different or distinctive will be heard or seen, only anxiety and despair.  We must intentionally prepare “room” in our hearts for His strength, influence, and presence.

Day 21- Will you “prepare Him room” (today and moment by moment) by praying and asking Him to be active, alive, and above all the daily stuff that competes for your thoughts and attention.  

Matthew 6:33 “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”  The result will be a life that reflects God’s love, His Joy, and His strength.  All the competing pressures, tensions, relationships, and responsibilities will then find their rightful place (a distant 2nd).

Re: Verse reading – Luke 10:25-37 (day five)

40 Days of Prayer – Leverage and Influence

It’s one of my favorite moments in scripture. Jesus calls Levi (Matthew) to be a disciple. Levi immediately throws a party. Jesus is the guest of honor and wouldn’t you know, Levi somehow managed to get lots of his “tax collector and sinner” friends there. (Luke 5:27-30) How did he do that? Two keys… Leverage and Influence. Levi used Leverage and Influence to gather his friends, colleagues, and associates in a place where they would be in the presence of the Savior.

Day 15 – Will you pray for “Gospel Leverage and Influence” with your family, friends, and colleagues?

It’s hard work. It demands risk. It requires strategic timing. It is tense for sure. Seasons like the one we are currently in, can easily lend to conversations and experiences that are “eternal” in context. Will you look and listen for moments where you can begin or develop relationships for Gospel Leverage and Influence? It may come at the cost of safety, comfort, and time. (Sounds a lot like the Christmas Story to me). The battle takes place at precisely the point where believers must personally and willingly invest in lost friends (and family) and influence peers who desperately need Christ.

Re: Verse reading – Luke 7:1-17 (day five)

40 Days of Prayer- Practice Makes…

In Luke 11, the disciples ask Jesus to “teach them to pray”. I often wonder why. What was the real motivation for the question? What did they see? What did they hear? What did they observe? Was it His wisdom? Was it His patience? Was it His power? Was it His repetition? Was it the real and vibrant relationship with his Heavenly Father?

Day 8 – Will you ask God to help you be teachable and learn how to pray?
In the remaining 40 days, let’s ask God to make us people of prayer. Let’s train ourselves (practice) to be Godly in our praying. (1 Corinthians 9:25) What if our time in prayer each day caused us to change? What if others noticed Christ-like wisdom, patience, and strength in us? What if they noticed a real relationship with our Heavenly Father? “Practice doesn’t make perfect. It reduces the imperfection.”

Re: Verse reading–Luke 5:12-26.

He Has Promised

Re: Verse reading–2 Peter 1:1-12 (day five)
It’s a promise that I have had the privilege of sharing with many teenagers over the years. It’s a promise that prompts hope. It’s a promise that stirs courage. It’s a promise that encourages vision.
“His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” (2 Peter 1:3)
This semester 2 different teenagers on 2 different campuses in our city have had the vision/burden to start Bible Studies on their campus. May sound easy enough, but this requires courage (talking to administrators). It also demands hope. (Will students come? Will a faculty member sponsor and provide a classroom or meeting space?). It evidences vision. (Christian students growing in their faith. Lost students hearing the Gospel and being around a community of believers.) So, as you pray, study the scriptures, and worship (privately and corporately) are there ways God is leading you that spark courage, hope, and vision? Remember, as you move forward, He Has Promised!!