Re:Verse passage – Mark 5:21-34 (day five)
And He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace and be healed of your affliction.”
What an amazing moment for this woman. Suddenly she feels strength, power, hope, and joy. Having cloaked herself in the crowd from all kinds of emotions (mainly fear) she then comes forward. She finally feels safe. Something deeper and eternal is happening in her heart. There is trust and honesty. She tells Jesus “the whole truth”. Her story and experiences now are being used to point to the power and love of Christ. Just like the woman at the well. There is relationship- “daughter”. And there is peace. Peace with God. Peace with others. Peace inside her own heart and mind. Peace with who she really is and who she can become. Tell your Heavenly Father the “whole truth” and find that kind of peace!!