As for the Lord

Re:Verse passage –Colossians 3:18-4:1 (day seven)

This passage is full of commands from God. You can hear the doubters coming out, we have all heard them, “More rules. The Bible is just a list of dos and don’ts.” But pay close attention to the sentence structure. There is a modifier giving explanation and further instruction to every command. These modifiers take the command, which out of context could seem rash or harsh, and show us God’s true intention; everything we do is to be done as for the Lord. When we allow this aspect of the command to become the most important part, God begins to put modifiers on our lives. We begin to follow the commands He set forth, but not in order to simply follow the rules, but because putting God at the forefront of everything we do makes our lives look more like His.

Evident and Active

Re:Verse passage – Colossians 3:10-17 (day seven)  “Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you” Colossians 3:16a

“I love my Bible. I read it every day” Pastor Don Guthrie would say during so many of our children’s sermons. Words that were not just meant to teach our children a valuable lesson about the importance of reading their Bible, nor to subtly set an example for the congregation attentively watching along, but words that were undeniably true. Words that cause you to ask the same question of yourself; do I love my Bible?

This type of love is evident and active. When you love your Bible, you are dwelling in the Words of Christ. You are opening those pages; spending time meditating on the words He has spoken. Then His words begin to shape, mold, and change you. He helps you take off the old and put on the new. He shows you how to put on love. None of which is possible on our own. He makes these changes in you as you dwell with Him. When you love your Bible, your love becomes evident and active.

Not of This World

Re:Verse passage – Colossians 3:1-9 (day seven)

Two years ago I chose Colossians 3:2 to be our Freedom Weekend theme verse. I wanted this verse to resonate with our students as they looked at the culture of their schools and peer groups. It is incredibly easy for students to look at the here and now, and submerse themselves into “the things that are on earth” while becoming consumers of the culture that is around them. The more they consume of culture, the more culture consumes them. The more culture consumes them, the less they consume of the things that are above. This is not just an issue with the younger generations is it?

There is a fine line to be walked as we are called to be in the world but not of the world. The calling in this passage is missional. This calling is for us to set our mind on things that are not of this world, so that we, being in the world, might show the world that we are meant for so much more than this world can ever offer.