
Re:Verse passage – Matthew 6:5-13 (day four)

The word ‘hallowed’ is not a word we use very often.  The dictionary definition for it is “holy and consecrated’.  When Jesus gave us instructions on how to pray, this is the first phrase of His example.  Hallowed gives us insight into the character of God.  When we understand that the very nature of God is holiness and how wide-reaching this description truly is, all the rest of this “Lord’s Prayer” makes sense.

The infinite holiness of God is really beyond our full comprehension.  Our finite minds cannot take in all the aspects of infinity.  Stop and reflect on how an understanding of God’s character can impact what we do as a church.  We are Better Together, and when we portray an accurate picture of God to the world around us, He is glorified.  A unified picture is multiplied when we walk together, serving our hallowed God.  How will serving a holy God impact a lost world?

Cheerful Giver

Re:Verse passage – 2 Corinthians 9:6-12 (day four)

These verses are a favorite proof-text for health and wealth preachers.  “If you give abundantly to our church, God will give abundantly to you!”  Wrong.  It is as if God is obligated to give you a lot if you give the church a lot.  The only ones who get wealthy with this kind of theology is the preacher giving the message!

God wants us to be generous and cheerful givers.  Notice in verse 10, God gives on both sides of the equation.   God supplies the seed and then, when we sow it, He brings a bountiful harvest.  From God’s supply, others are blessed.  It is never about personal enrichment, it is about producing thanksgiving to God.  For God, it is always about the heart…what is the motivation of the heart?  Ananias and Sapphira gave a nice gift to the church, but out of a deceitful heart.  (Acts 5)  Give out of a grateful heart of thanksgiving!

Growth vs. Maturity

Re:Verse passage – Acts 2:42-47 (day four)

Multitudes were added to the church!  Before that growth took place though, the Holy Spirit did a mighty work in the hearts of the believers.  Much preparation was made before growth took place.  First, the believers were listening to the teachings of the apostles.  They were seeking personal, spiritual growth (aka maturity) on a daily basis.  They also spent time in fellowship and eating together as a church.  Time spent together creates an opportunity to practice the character of Christ as well as to be held accountable for living a Christ-like life.  The final church community activity they joined in was prayer.  Listening and communicating with God to know His mind and will.

Without the preparation in the Spirit that the early church participated in, the addition of new members (aka church growth) would never have taken place.  Have you desired growth to take place in your church?  Have you been willing to put in the time for your personal maturity to prepare for this revival?  Or maybe you have asked God to grow the church, but have neglected your own Spiritual growth.  Ask God to mature your faith and He will take care of the rest!


Re:Verse passage – 2 Timothy 3:14-17 (day four)

What a concise, complete description of the purpose or work of Scripture!  Scripture is not an end to itself, it leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.  It accomplishes four tasks in the lives of believers…teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness.  What a gift we have in the inspired Word of God!

Looking for direction in life?  Looking for a course change…or preparation for things to come?  God has provided for you, long before you were even aware of your need.  From the beginning of time, God has proclaimed His message of forgiveness and salvation by faith.  His inspired Word has pointed the way.  Men have sought to discount the value of the Word…they have tried to discredit the truth of the Word…they have labored to dishonor God, the Author…all without success.  God’s Word will endure forever.  Make it a part of your daily life and you will always be equipped for every good work!


Re:Verse passage – Romans 8:15-17, Ephesians 5:22-32 (day four)

When Paul wrote these words about the sacredness of marriage and the relationship of Christ and the Church, they were somewhat radical and counter to the prevailing culture.  They were not new though.  Paul references back to the beginning of time in Genesis 2 as to the relationship within the marriage.  The Greek, Roman, and pagan cultures had cheapened the view of the marriage relationship.  Now, centuries later, the biblical standard for marriage is becoming a radical change from the modern, post-evangelical culture.  Once again, the marriage relationship, as established by God, is being over-shadowed by the non-biblical cheapening of the relationship between a man and a woman.

Why is this a dangerous trend?  The marriage relationship is a picture of the body of the Church and the person of Jesus Christ.  To abandon the biblical relationship of marriage is to paint a false picture of our relationship with Christ.  As believers…as the church…we must give a clear, accurate picture of God’s love and plan for man.  The world needs the truth!

Better Together

Re:Verse passage – 1 Corinthians 12:12-27  (day four)

There is no better picture of the body of Christ than Paul’s description here in Corinthians.  Set in context, Paul is answering some of the problems and conflicts in the Corinthian church with a description of how the healthy church is supposed to look like and act like.  As we embark on this new study of Better Together, we are trying to paint an accurate picture of how we function as a New Testament church and how we can best accomplish God’s mission for our church.

When we have completed this study, each member should not only know that God’s assignment is best carried out in community with one another, but also what being a member of First Baptist Church San Antonio means in belief and actions.  We need each other…we need each other pulling in the same direction and not just everyone doing their own thing.  We are seeking God’s blueprint in Scripture and dedicating ourselves to being obedient to His Word.  Will you join us?  We are better together!

Our Sovereign God

Re:Verse passage – Job 42:5-17 (day four)

Job is doing business with God.  He is confessing his sin of declaring what he did not know or understand.  He declares that he now clearly sees God for who He is.  Job repents of his sin.

In God’s conversation with Job, He also has some choice words for the three friends.  Job’s friends have been giving false words to Job.  They were telling Job that all suffering is the direct result of sin…false theology!  Some of what they said about God was true, but their representation of God and His ways was not totally accurate.

If the friends’ theology had been accurate, we would have to blame the suffering of today’s persecuted churches on their own sin.  Evil is in the world and there is often not a rational explanation of why suffering happens.  God is sovereign and we cannot always see how His infinite plan is at work.  We do need to be reminded that God is God though!


Re:Verse passage – Job 40:6-9, 15-19; 41:1-7, 10-11; 42:1-6 (day four)

In 2000, Richard A. Swenson, MD wrote a book, More Than Meets the EyeEditHe began by asking the question, “how would our lives be changed if we had 10 minutes in heaven with God?”  He concluded that we would be profoundly and eternally changed.  We cannot even fathom or understand all the ways of God.  Swenson proceeded to identify facts of science that demonstrate the amazing power of our Almighty God.  We can only describe the facts shared as mind-boggling!  Can you imagine how Job felt during his conversation with God?

Every question asked of Job was beyond his comprehension.  At every element of interrogation, Job was profoundly impacted and yes, humbled.  How could he have ever questioned God and His choices and decisions?  Job clearly recognized God’s vast glory and his own abject poverty.  How about us?  Do we, like Adam and Eve in the garden, sometimes act as if we know better than God?  Do we think that if God knew all the circumstances like we do, that He would change His mind or do things differently?  Charles Spurgeon said, “There is no attribute more comforting to His children than God’s sovereignty.

Where Were You When…?

Re:Verse passage – Job 38:1-7; 40:6-9 (day four)

God asks Job 69 questions in these three chapters…none of them can be answered by Job.  It is a stark reminder that God is infinitely mightier than man.  God is all-powerful, all-wise, ever-present, all-knowing, infinite, holy, just, and loving.  He is our creator, sustainer, healer, and Savior.  Not only was Job left speechless before God, he was re-focused on the glory of God.

We often need to be re-focused upon God.  Using the character qualities of God to give praise to Him is an effective way to pray.  We are reminded of our standing before the Almighty God.  Reciting His character in prayer is like praying Scripture back to Him.  Now is a good time to pause and praise.  Express your praise by acknowledging God’s character! (Respond in the comment section your one sentence praise to God:  “Lord, I praise you for You are…”)


Re:Verse passage – Job 32:1-10; 33:2-4, 22-30; 35:9-10; 37:14-24 (day four)

Elihu is the last friend to speak to Job.  His discourse is different than the others in that he focuses primarily on who God is rather than what Job did to deserve his suffering.  In many ways, Elihu helped to prepare Job’s thinking for what God was about to ask him.  The next three chapters will open Job’s eyes to see God clearly.  Elihu’s words caused Job to remember that God was his creator and Job did not have position to question His actions.

Question:  Do our words prepare people to experience God?  Do we speak truthful and encouraging words that turn thoughts to God?  Every encounter with another can serve as an entrance to an encounter with God.  Our words should lead others to obedience, service, repentance, or commitment.  Every conversation can be turned to God and a divine encounter may result as we make ourselves available to God.  Choose your words wisely!