Re:Verse passage – Job 32:1-10; 33:2-4, 22-30; 35:9-10; 37:14-24 (day four)
Elihu is the last friend to speak to Job. His discourse is different than the others in that he focuses primarily on who God is rather than what Job did to deserve his suffering. In many ways, Elihu helped to prepare Job’s thinking for what God was about to ask him. The next three chapters will open Job’s eyes to see God clearly. Elihu’s words caused Job to remember that God was his creator and Job did not have position to question His actions.
Question: Do our words prepare people to experience God? Do we speak truthful and encouraging words that turn thoughts to God? Every encounter with another can serve as an entrance to an encounter with God. Our words should lead others to obedience, service, repentance, or commitment. Every conversation can be turned to God and a divine encounter may result as we make ourselves available to God. Choose your words wisely!