ME vs. He

Re:Verse reading – 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 (day seven). It was one of the most profound feelings of weakness I’ve ever experienced, teaching from God’s Word while my words were translated into four languages.  I couldn’t rely on illustrations or vocal tone to add clarity. I couldn’t rely on building momentum with my words. In a way I’d never experienced, I couldn’t rely on ME. Yet, as I spoke of the overflowing grace of God, people leaned into the message. As I spoke of Jesus’ sacrifice, I saw waves of emphatic nods from believers that shouted a louder “AMEN” than I’ve ever heard from an English audience. I became aware of another reality alongside my weakness, “the power of Christ resting upon me” (verse 9). Power accompanied the message of Christ and was at work not because of me but through me. Is that power at work through you? If not, is the message of Christ’s grace coming from you?
Josh Vaughan, Minister to Young Marrieds and Yes, Lord! Community Ministries, guest blogger


A Humbling Experience

Re:Verse – 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 (day six).  It had been 14 years, and Paul was just now talking about it.  Even after 14 years, he could only speak of the experience in the third person.  Others had the same experience…enter into the presence of God and suddenly and eternally you recognize His majesty.  God is so mighty, so majestic, so brilliant that man is forever changed.
Re:Verse – 2 Corinthians 12:10

It happened to Moses!  When Moses spent time with God, his whole face shown with indescribable brilliance, so much so that he had to wear a veil before the children of Israel.  When Job, the most righteous man on earth, came face to face with God in Job 38-41, he could hardly answer out of fear and the humility he felt.  Isaiah came face to face with God in Isaiah 6 and his response was “woe is me, I am undone.”
Paul’s life was so transformed by his experience with God, that there was absolutely no place for boasting except in Christ.  Have you been in the presence of God?  What is the impact on your life?

Larry Soape, Assoc. Pastor, Core SS, Median and Senior Adults, and Missions, guest blogger

Properly Pointed Greatness

Re:Verse reading – 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 (day five). “I will spare you, so that no one can credit me with something beyond what he sees in me or hears from me…” (verse 6). Paul knew that the only truly worthy “boast” was in knowing the One truly worthy of all glory (see Jeremiah 9:23-24). So even though Paul could claim a special, personal experience with the Almighty God, he wanted “no credit” for this. Rather he wanted the “credit” to fall upon what could be seen and heard from him, namely the gospel of Jesus (v6). The gospel that Paul knew had the power to reconcile men to God (5:19). May the same be true of us. May the “boasting” of our lives point people not to the greatness of our spirituality but rather to the greatness of Christ who gives His Spirit freely to all who ask (Luke 11:13).
Josh Vaughan, Minister to Young Marrieds and Yes, Lord! Community Ministries, guest blogger


A Lot to be Thankful For!

Re:Verse – 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 (day four).  Many people can relate with this Scripture, including myself.  Paul is the man who experienced these incredible visions, giving him, initially, a reason to boast in what God was doing in his life.  However, instead of boasting in the GOOD that was happening in his life, Paul was boasting about the BAD, the problems of his life, the thorns or pains.  Talk about thankfulness, the rendering of I am content with weaknesses can be translated as I take joy or pleasure in my weakness.  I know some holidays can be tough for some families because of trials and pains, but I am reminded that Paul was thankful for the pains because then God’s grace was more evident.  His grace is sufficient, meaning it is enough to fill the pain in our lives.  The greatest grace we received was when there was the greatest pain, when our Savior Jesus died for us.  What an incredible God we have! Happy Thanksgiving!

Zach Van Veldhuizen, Assistant Director, Youth, guest blogger



Re:Verse – 2 Corinthians 12:1-10. (day three) I hate to be weak. I hate to be wrong. Grace is the gift that reminds me of each of those on a daily basis. What a beautiful thing. I’m weak and I’m wrong, thus I need a Savior. Fact. I love how the bible constantly presents these paradoxes, the beauty of the thorn that won’t leave Paul in the flesh. Without the weakness, I can’t see I need the dependence.  I choose to love to be weak; I choose to love to be wrong, that I may boast in the sufficiency of grace and the power of Christ that rests on me.  Grace IS (present tense) sufficient. Choose to embrace the beautiful grace of our wrongs made right in Christ’s deep love for us. How thankful I am for this church family that extends that grace to me and to this city. Make Him known! Serve Him well!!

Savannah Mora, Assistant Director, Youth, guest blogger


Re:Verse reading–2 Corinthians 8:1-15, 9:7-8,11-15 (day two) When our children were young they had a ‘Thanksgiving feast’ at their school. We wanted the children to realize how grateful to GOD the pilgrims were when they sowed and reaped bountifully because of God’s provision. We see God supplying the seed and bread and multiplying the harvest (9:10). The result is provision and then overflowing through many thanksgivings to God (9:12). The chapter concludes with Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! What are you thankful for because of the surpassing grace of God in your life?  Henry Smith wrote a chorus ‘Give thanks with a grateful heart. Give thanks to the Holy One. Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ His Son, and now let the weak say I am strong, let the poor say I am rich because of what the Lord has done. Give thanks!’

Julie Webster, guest blogger