
Re:Verse reading–2 Corinthians 8:1-15 (day six)

2 Corinthians 8 teaches us very important lessons on giving. Have you ever given any thought as to why we don’t give? What keeps us from giving of our time, energy, and resources? It’s a worthwhile question. The Macedonians gave, not out of their abundance, but out of their poverty. In other words, they gave of what little they had not knowing where their next meal would come from. I don’t give like that. One, God has tremendously blessed my family; we are not poor. Two, we give regularly, but it is always out of excess; it never hurts to give.

Paul didn’t make that a requirement of course. He wasn’t expecting the Corinthians to unwisely put themselves in a financial bind, nor us, but I do think he wants us to see that whenever we give, we are always giving out of abundance. The Macedonians gave because they knew that although they were poor financially, they had been made rich in grace through Jesus, and therefore were eager to give of what they had to meet the needs of others.

You are rich! So give.


Re:Verse reading–2 Corinthians 5:11-21 (day six)

“…that we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:21

This is startling. This is the work of Jesus; he became “as if” he were our sin, so that we could become His righteousness. We have never known righteousness of our own, in the same way that Jesus never knew unrighteousness of His own. This is precisely what captivated Paul; he called it treasure. “We have this treasure in earthen vessels,” Jesus, the righteousness of God.

Does that good news startle you? Is it your treasure? What a worthwhile daily prayer:

Father, may I be totally and completely captivated by your Son, my righteousness.

Now pray it with me!


Re:Verse reading–1 Corinthians 12:4-13, 27-31 (day six)

The Holy Spirit is the activity of God personified. He hovers over the deep, He reveals, He teaches, He reminds, He heals, He brings life where there was none, He bears fruit, He gives gifts; where he moves things turn from black and white to vivid color. 1 Corinthians 12 is the Holy Spirit in theory; Acts is the Holy Spirit in action.

And here is another truth, as is true of Jesus, the Holy Spirit’s aim is to glorify God. He desires to draw attention to the beauty, majesty, goodness and joy of God in all His activity, especially in the life of God’s church. That is why He gives us gifts. His gifts are the other-worldly activity of God in us and through us to draw the world’s attention to the glory of God in the Gospel.

You can grieve the Holy Spirit; you can’t render Him dormant. Do this today: invite the Father to show you where the Holy Spirit is at work in your life; ask Him to show you the Spirit’s gifts.

Friends, Pt. 2

Re:Verse Passage – John 15:9-17 (day six)

This is an important question: what is the basis of our friendship with Jesus? Are we friends because we obey His commands? Do we earn Jesus’ friendship because of our meritorious behavior? Sometimes we can behave as if this is true. We lapse in our worship attendance, so we think, “If I return to worship I will find favor with God again”, or “If I get a few quiet times under my belt then Jesus will like me.”

That is not the Gospel; it’s heresy. We are friends because Christ first loved us (vs. 12) by laying down his life; we are friends because of His work, not ours. Obedience then is not the condition of friendship but the affirmation or confirmation of our friendship with Jesus.

Listen, you don’t have to earn Jesus’ love or His friendship; He has already loved you, He died on the cross for you. The cure for disobedience is not trying harder, but repentance and returning to your first love or remaining in His love; believing in the work of Jesus through which he calls you friend. We always obey whom (or what) we believe; believe in Jesus!


Re: Verse reading–John 13:1-17 (day six)

Peter meant to honor Jesus by saying, “You will never wash my feet!” Jesus knew that of course; he knew Peter’s intent, it’s just that he had everything backwards. Unless Jesus serves us, we are nothing, and we have nothing. He would tell them this much just two chapters later, “…apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) Peter would even write many years later, “whoever serves, do so with the strength that God supplies.” 1 Peter 4:11 So, even when we do serve others we are able to not by any merit or strength of our own but by God’s. Jesus is always the benefactor; he is always the giver.

What this means, is that our acts of service towards others are not repayment, as if we are trying to repay Jesus for what He has done, but they are an expression of our identity in Jesus, our new DNA. The outcome is clear, people declare “look, he must be Jesus’ disciple.” Paul said it like this, “I am crucified with Christ, therefore I no longer live, but Christ Jesus lives in me.”


Re: Verse reading–Isaiah 52:13-15, Isaiah 53 (day six)

“…yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God.”-The People, Isaiah 53:4b

In the ancient Hebrew mind (and even now with the prosperity gospel) suffering comes to the unfaithful. The verse above is a confession; the people believed that the suffering servant was receiving what He deserved, that He was being punished by God. The irony is, they were exactly right but for all the wrong reasons. God did punish Him (Isaiah 53 says so more than once.) but not because of His unfaithfulness, but rather for theirs. Their sin (and ours) required justice and God would provide it through the suffering of His righteous servant. That’s Good News.

Moving Mountains

Re:Verse reading–Nehemiah 6:1-16 (day six)

Faith moves mountains, but most often it uses a shovel. There was nothing magical about Nehemiah’s faith in God’s promises to his people. He repented, prayed, strategized, stayed the course; he used a shovel to put his faith into action. For Nehemiah faith was not merely an intellectual exercise, but it was action, decisive steps to move forward the promises of God. But that is how faith works, it never stays in one place, it moves according to the rhythms of the promises of God.

Does your faith move? Does it carry a shovel?


Re:Verse reading–2 Kings 4:8-37 (day six)

Much like the Good Samaritan Elisha turns aside from his journey to meet a desperate need. There was nothing convenient about it; the diversion took time, energy, and resources. Elisha didn’t do it because it was convenient or easy, but because it’s what prophets do; it’s what servant leaders do. Servant leaders go out of their way to breathe life into others. It’s there in those moments when the miraculous can happen, the dead come to life. It is also there that you discover it wasn’t a diversion, it was the intended destination after all.

So, don’t be so quick to NOT turn aside, take the diversion into someone’s need and breathe. God might just use you to bring them back to life.


Re:Verse reading–2 Samuel 9 (day six)

Where did David find the power to be kind? Well, he was king, he had the ability, the resources, and the will to extend kindness to anyone he chose, even to an enemy. You are no king or queen, but do you have the power to be kind? Yes, you do. As David drew from his kingly position, so you too, Christian, draw from your royal position. We are adopted heirs to the Kingdom of God, sons and daughters of the King. We muster kindness not from broken cisterns, but from the infinitely deep wells of the kindness of God. Because of who we are we too have the ability, the resources, and the will to extend kindness, even to the least likely of people.

When you drink deeply of the kindness of God as a child of God, you can’t help but extend kindness to others.

Not Always What or Where, but Who

Re:Verse reading–1 Samuel 3 (day six)

Don’t we all wish God would just speak to us out loud! He is of course; He is always talking to us through His written Word. In fact as one writer wrote, “If you want to hear God’s voice, read the Bible out loud.” Often though we seek answers to questions that God isn’t answering directly, like, “Where should I go to college?” or “What job should I take?” or “Who should I marry?” These are all great questions of course and should be asked, but most of the time God is more interested in the kind of person you should be when you get to that college, or land that job, or get married to that person.

God is always talking to us if we are willing to listen, and His words are always intended to shape who we are wherever we find ourselves. So, instead of asking “where” or “what” questions start asking “who;” if we can hear God’s answer (in His Word), often enough the answers to the other questions will fall into place.