Re:Verse reading–Acts 9:1-22, 26-31 (day two) The men who traveled with him stood speechless, hearing the voice but seeing no one. vs. 7
This is an interesting element of Saul’s conversion story. During a relatively isolated journey to Damascus Jesus chooses to reveal himself to Saul, but allows others to hear the exchange. This man whom God would use to write the first chapters of the early church was already on a well-recognized path. His conversion clearly rocked the followers of The Way, see Ananias’ reaction in verses 13-14. We often consider how the apostles and the other believers reacted to Saul’s conversion, but what about those who were with him on that road? What kind of story did they tell? They heard the voice of Jesus!
Few of us will ever have the testimony of Saul/Paul, but when God chooses to intervene in our lives, people will notice. Those who know Jesus, and those who knew you before. Has he done that work for you? Is your life bearing evidences of this change?