Re:Verse passage – Mark 6:14-29 (day four)
There are intervals throughout the gospels where we check in on the Herodian dynasty, and it’s always a grim picture. This seat of earthly power displays paranoia and fear upon hearing the news of Jesus’ birth. This fear led to violence and destruction. As we check in on the dynasty here, we see that same fear and paranoia has only increased. Herod is spinning out of control, and his death grip on power will cause even more violence and destruction than intended in himself and in the community.
Desire for earthly power leads to insecurity, suspicion, and loneliness. That white-knuckle grip on power will hurt us and those around us in unexpected, out-of-control ways. Kingdom power, on the other hand, isn’t a power based on insecurity or exclusion. It’s not scarce or fearful of others. It’s based on the freedom and glory found in Christ. It invites others in, builds unlikely bridges, and leaves peace where there was once chaos. It loosens our white-knuckle grip and lets us live with joy, knowing that God is both powerful and trustworthy.
Rather than finding ways to cozy up to earthly power, how might you walk in Kingdom power instead?
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