
Re:Verse passage – Mark 4:26-32 (day four)

God made this earth and called it good, and all of creation proclaims the glory of God and speaks to his character. Nature doesn’t just make for a great metaphor, it directly shows us God’s goodness and helps us understand how to live as a result. In this parable, nature shows us how to trust in what Pierre Teilhard de Chardin calls “the slow work of God.”

The farmer plants the seed in faith that it will slowly, in the right time, produce fruit. Even if we have a degree in agriculture and understand how plants produce, it is still nothing short of a miracle that God allows fruit to come, slowly but surely, through a small seed. A favorite worship song of mine proclaims, “Oh how nature acquaints us with the nature of patience!”

God is making all things new and establishing his Kingdom in his perfect timing, and we wait longingly for the final harvest when Christ returns in glory. But in the meantime, we have been given everything we need through the blood of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit to “trust in the slow work of God.”

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