
Re:Verse passage – Mark 4:21-25, 33-34 (day four)

Were you scared of the dark when you were a kid? If I’m being honest, I’ve even had moments as an adult where I found myself in the dark and felt afraid. Shadows take on a life of their own in the dark, and our minds tend to wander to the most frightening scenario. Have you ever experienced complete darkness? Without even light peaking through the crack under the door? It’s disorienting – you lose sense of where you are in space and don’t know the way forward.

But if you turn on one light, even light one candle, that fear goes away. You’re able to see the shadows for what they are and can see the way out. Light is powerful. A small amount of light can overcome the most extreme darkness. Jesus is truly the light of the world. He broke into a world filled with people stuck in total darkness – no way out and afraid of what slithered in the pitch-black unknown. What may have seemed like a singular small candle on the night of his birth in Bethlehem was revealed to be the brightest, most powerful light in the cosmos. Nothing is hidden from this light, and the darkness will not overcome it. We can live without fear, confident in the power of that light.


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