
Re:Verse passage – Psalm 72:1-14 (day four)

Over the past six weeks, I hope you’ve been able to reflect on and celebrate the birth of our Savior. I hope you have found new ways to prepare him room in your hearts and experience the hope, peace, joy, and love that he came to offer. But as we continue toward the season of Epiphany, we’ll find that there is still much to learn about the child in the manger.

During Epiphany, we discover along with the shepherds that Jesus is more than the product of a miraculous birth. He is more than a good teacher, more than a kind person. He is more than an influential leader. He is the Son of God, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, the Alpha and Omega, and the center of heaven and earth. In this season, we examine the Biblical texts that reveal Jesus’ divinity. Psalm 72 does just that, as it describes the reign of the perfect king.

While it was written for Solomon’s coronation, we know that only Christ is worthy of this description. As David penned this psalm, he unknowingly prophesied of the one who would one day come through his family line to judge with righteousness and vindicate the afflicted. Only Christ’s kingdom will extend to the ends of the earth. Only he is worthy of the worship of all the nations. It is this glorious kingdom that we speak of when we say, “Your kingdom come.”

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