
Re:Verse passage – Ephesians 6:17-20 (day four)

Paul had a lot to say to the church in Ephesus and to us through this letter. We learned that though we were born as outsiders, we’ve been adopted as sons and daughters of God and made blameless through the sacrifice of Christ. We learned that Jesus – his life, death, and resurrection – was the Father’s plan from the beginning. Christ stands at the center of the cosmos, and all things are through him and for him. We also learned that he is the cornerstone of the church, making us part of God’s temple. In the second half of the letter, we learned what it means to be apart of God’s temple – how to live together in unity, purity, and gentleness. We even learned that there is far more to life than the physical reality in front of us – there are spiritual realities and battles that we are often blind to, but have been outfitted for nonetheless through the Spirit.

After all this that Paul has taught us, as if he knows that we might feel overwhelmed, he gives us one simple command  – to pray.

No time spent in prayer is wasted. There is no subject that is too big, too small, or mentioned too often when it comes to prayer. We are meant to pray at all times, through the power of the Spirit, so that we might experience the breadth, length, height, and depth of God’s love for us.

How has our study in Ephesians caused you to pray?

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