
Re:Verse passage – Ephesians 6:10-17 (day four)

When we read verse 12, it’s easy to imagine the “authorities of the unseen world” and “evil spirits in heavenly places” like something out of a paranormal horror movie. To be sure, there are horribly dark and evil things that occur in this world. However, I think a lot of the spiritual warfare we experience is more subtle, and more insidious than that.

When we believe lies that parade around as truth, when we allow apathy to creep in, when we are blinded by pride, when we allow a sinful habit to take hold – these are also the realities of spiritual warfare. But before we are overcome by fear at how present these things seem, Paul reminds us – we’ve been given everything we need for life and godliness, we’ve been given the armor of God.

It is a powerful thing to pray the armor of God over yourself, your spouse, your friends, and your children. It is impenetrable, fashioned by the God of the universe, and stronger than anything we may face.

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