Lift Up

Re:Verse passage – Ephesians 5:15-21 (day four)

One of my favorite professors in seminary taught a class on worship. He shared a thought in that class that has stuck with me ever since: in the gathered worship service, for some that are present, it took all they had just to get through the door. Life’s hardships have become too much to raise their voice, but they sought the presence of Jesus and got through the door. For the rest of us, whether we know their hardships or not, we sing on their behalf. Our song of praise lifts them up and wraps them in love as they seek the Spirit’s presence.

There will also be days where the roles are reversed. Where we give our last bit of strength to simply get through the door on a Sunday morning. But the song of those around us ministers to us and lifts us up. They sing on our behalf. I know I have had days like this, and the sound of the congregation’s singing carried me into the presence of God.

Paul isn’t being cute here when he tells us to sing. He knows that this is one of the ways the body of Christ can minister to one another. Our song to the Lord is also a ministry to our neighbor.

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3 thoughts on “Lift Up”

  1. Thanks for sharing these insights, Megan! It’s true that sometimes we can’t help but sing out our praises …and at other times we just can’t. But being in the midst of corporate praise lifts and carries us. Paul knew (from experience) what he was writing about!

  2. Such an encouragement! And such an instruction for a unified Church! Sing as one’s own expression of praise. Sing to raise up others to the throne of God. Listen to others lifting up oneself. That’s a formula for true life. Thanks for sharing!

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