Pull Back the Curtain

Re:Verse passage – Ephesians 1:3-12 (day four)

Paul’s opening of Ephesians reminds me of the Wizard of Oz. Near the end of the movie (spoiler alert!), when Dorothy and the gang finally reach the wizard, they pull back the curtain only to realize that the “wizard” is a small, unassuming man using gimmicks in order to appear powerful.

Paul is also pulling back the curtain, but instead of disappointment, we’re met with wonder and promises beyond our wildest dreams. He pulls back the curtain of the cosmos and we find that not only are we adopted as sons and daughters of God, made pure and blameless before him by the sacrifice of his son, but that this was God’s plan from the beginning. Long before the creation of the world, God loved us and planned to live with us for eternity.

Ephesians lets us in on the plan that God has had all along, and we find that Christ is not only the center of that plan or the climax of the story, but he is the beginning, middle, and end, the one in whom all things on heaven and earth find their origin and conclusion. Through Christ, we see God’s love for us that was there from the very beginning, and his plan to live with us for eternity.

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One thought on “Pull Back the Curtain”

  1. I truly love your posts Megan and keep thinking that you could write the best daily devotional book ever. You already have the gift. It’s an honor to have you on staff at FBCSA.

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