Paralysis to Power

Re:Verse passage – Proverbs 31:8  (day four)

What keeps us from working for justice the way that Scripture asks us to? The Biblical command is clear throughout the Old and New Testaments – the Kingdom of God is one of justice and the people of God are commanded to work for justice in their communities and around the world. We are to speak up for those whom society does not value, we are to defend the rights of the needy. Yet, many Christians feel hesitant to engage in the work of justice.

The injustices plaguing our world can feel overwhelming. The sheer amount of those in need, in San Antonio alone, might make us feel that any of our efforts will not be enough. It is easy to become paralyzed by the enormity of the need. Similarly, some of us might see worldly justice movements that we disagree with, and out of fear of “looking like the world,” we don’t engage. Fear and overwhelm can paralyze us, and at this the enemy rejoices.

While on our own we may be fearful or overwhelmed, when we walk with the Holy Spirit, our paralysis is replaced with power, and we can move forward trusting that the Spirit is leading us in righteousness and truth. How might you take a step forward in working for heavenly justice this week?

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