
Re:Verse passage – Galatians 6:1-10 (day four)

After reading about the fruits of the Spirit last week, did one of them stick out to you? The command to be gentle has stuck out to me lately, and it seems that Paul had gentleness on his mind too as he wraps up his letter to the Galatians. The Spirit will produce gentleness in our lives.

More often than not, though, I feel like a bull in a china shop. I put my foot in my mouth and say the wrong thing, I go into a conversation ready to get my way and defend my own ideas, my “correction” or critique of others  comes off harsh and prideful. I have a lot of room in my life for the fruit of gentleness to ripen.

Why is this particular command so difficult? It may be because gentleness doesn’t get us very far in the ways of the world. The world tells us to be pushy and to do whatever it takes to get ahead. When I act in this way and move through life quickly and harshly, I’ve conformed to the ways of the world without even thinking. As Christ continues to renew us, we will begin to see more opportunities to sow gentleness, and in so doing, we will look more like Christ.

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