Outside of Time

Re:Verse passage – John 19:28-30 (day four)

“It is finished.” These three words changed everything. The soldiers who crucified Jesus probably heard them as an admission of defeat, as if Jesus was saying, “Alright, the jig is up. You got me, I’m finished.” But we know that this isn’t the end of the story. We know that it wasn’t an admission of defeat, but a statement of victory. At these words, the whole world became a different place. In a single moment, the veil was torn, the earth shook, rocks split, tombs were opened, the bodies of saints were raised. Heaven broke into earth with a cosmic victory too great for our understanding.

What’s interesting is that even though Jesus said, “It is finished,” the story isn’t actually finished yet. There’s still more coming – Sunday is still coming! The resurrection is still coming! And we still wait on Jesus coming again. But these three small words ushered in a reality that stands outside of time. Jesus won the victory, even though it still looked like defeat to everyone else. The Kingdom of God is here now, yet we still yearn for it to come.  Jesus won a victory so great that it stands outside of time, and we get to share in that victory with him. We know that it is finished.

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