
Re:Verse passage – John 19:1-5 (day three)

“Pilate then took Jesus and scourged Him.”

When did Jesus bear on himself all the sins of the world? The bearing of those sins culminated with his death on the cross. But prior to that, the soldiers mocked him and beat him and tortured him with thorns. Prior to that, Pilate scourged him. Prior to that, he was assaulted about the face in front of the high priest. Prior to that, Peter’s denial occurred within earshot. Prior to that, he was handed over to the authorities in history’s most infamous betrayal. Prior to that, his hometown rejected him. Prior to that, many followers turned away from him. He was a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief, says the prophet. When did Jesus bear on himself all the sins of the world? When did he ever not do so?

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Author: Bryan Richardson

Bryan Richardson is the Associate Pastor for Counseling and Pastoral Ministries at FBCSA.

2 thoughts on “Burden”

  1. I never thought it about that way, but You’re right. It seems that Jesus suffering for our sins began way before the cross. Thank you Bryan.

  2. He secured out salvation in every possible way. Ordained in heaven before we existed. How marvelous. How wonderful.🙏

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