Re:Verse passage – John 19:1-5 (day one) Pilate came out again and said to them, “Behold, I am bringing Him out to you so that you may know that I find no guilt in Him.” vs. 4
This isn’t leadership; this is cowardice. We must ask ourselves, however, how often we make similar choices. Making someone else make the call when you know the right thing to do doesn’t get you off the hook. There is never a wrong time to do the right thing, but there are many times when doing the right thing will force us into a difficult position. Pilate was unwilling to put himself in that kind of political maelstrom, and if we are honest his decision is one we make time and time again. Faced with a choice to be ridiculed and hated is never easy, and each situation has nuance, but I would posit that more often than not we choose a path that causes us the least amount of friction. Perhaps we can re-examine Pilate’s choices and prayerfully consider which path to take the next time we are confronted with a choice.
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Hate to say it but in some ways he was the typical politician. Please the people. Protect your position.
Sooo are so right..we often need to pray and ask God if we are making the right choice/decision!! We stand guilty as well.