Re:Verse passage – Matthew 15-21-28 (day one)
Join us as Senior Pastor Chris Johnson, Associate Pastor Aaron Hufty and Associate Pastor Bryan Richardson walk us through Matthew 15-21-28 in our Winter Sermon Series: “Miracles” The Gospel of Matthew.
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Question: why did she have to ask Jesus three time? Didn’t he immediately heal the man with the withered hand & the women who touched His robe. Was it because He was sent for the list Israelites & she wasn’t a Jew?
My opinion:
Jesus knows each of our hearts. He also knows we are reading this and seeking answers to our questions.
Is it possible someone reading this needs to see that she was persistent? That her faith was so big she was willing to keep the conversation going? Or perhaps it is that God knew this would put the Jewish people to shame and they might understand that this woman was willing to go that far, to grovel if need be? Maybe I personally need to see that Jesus comes to each individual on a personal basis. So when I’m witnessing to someone and feel completely inept to lead them to Christ, I’ll acknowledge that the spirit will do the leading. I am only to be obedient in loving them and showing them who Christ is in my life and through His word.
I love that God meets each of us where we are.
Aside from this womans faith and who she was in lineage. The stories of Jesus and the miracles he had performed were utmost on her heart and mind. She was mother with a demon possessed child! Although she may have never personally seen the miracles of Jesus. Her Faith was huge. She needed a doctor to heal her child. And Jesus, already knowing her need upon arriving,redirected his followers back to the reason he was sent.
To heal the sick,and to seek and save those who are lost.