
Re:Verse passage –Matthew 22:35-39 (day three)

“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

“The Lord our God, the Lord is one”—and he exists as an eternal fellowship of three persons; he cannot exist otherwise and still be God. God created us in his image. To be human, then, is to bear in our being certain characteristics that we share with God. This commandment, both in its original iteration in Leviticus, and as quoted by Jesus here, in addition to the implicit ways in which it appears throughout scripture, indicates that life in fellowship with others is one of those characteristics marking the image of God in us. We cannot reject fellowship with others and still remain the fully human creatures God intended us to be. To fail to pay attention to your neighbor is not self-preservation, but the beginning of the extinction of the human race, yourself included.

Author: Bryan Richardson

Bryan Richardson is the Associate Pastor for Counseling and Pastoral Ministries at FBCSA.

2 thoughts on “Human”

  1. Mr. B always said that the Trinitarian nature of God was proof of His desire for us to function in community, and therefore how we function most effectively. Thanks for this reminder!

  2. Non-judgmental, kindness and respect for others, including our neighbors, are love in action.

    We want to treat others as they want to be treated; however, I found the following quote helpful in leading us to the right path in building good relationships with one another, “Do right. Do your best. Treat others as you want to be treated.”~~Lou Holtz.

    Peace will come when we treat each other with dignity, kindness and respect despite our differences and when we can demonstrate caring and concerns for the human race.

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