Believe What?

Re:Verse reading–Mark 9:14-29 (day six)

The father cried, “I believe; help my unbelief!” Believe what exactly? In this case, it seems clear. Jesus was inviting him to believe in Him, that he was able to bring lasting change and new life in the most desperate situation, i.e the life of his demon possessed son. There is no doubt that God expects us to believe that he brings victory into our life through His Son Jesus, but what if God is also inviting us to believe something else, or at least a nuanced belief?

What if He is inviting us to believe that He can even use us to bring new life and hope to others in desperate need? What if he not only wants to do something in you, but also through you? Do you believe that? I do.

Lord, I believe; help my unbelief.

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Author: Danny Panter

Danny is the Associate Pastor for NextGen Marrieds & Community Missions at FBCSA.

One thought on “Believe What?”

  1. Trust and believe are two distinct concepts but they go hand-in-hand. Believing means to trust that what God said is true and to do what He asked us to do.

    I trust God and believe that He has a better plan for me. Trust and believe. The lack of trust will lead to unbelief. If we don’t trust someone, we will not believe in whatever that person says or does. If we trust someone, the probability to believe in that person is much higher!

    So the question is to what extent does one trust God so s/he can believe in Him? Do we trust God with all of our hearts and minds? Or do we trust God but with some mental reservations?

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