More love to Thee

Re:Verse reading–Genesis 22:1-19 (day one)

“And it came about that after these things, that God tested Abraham.”–v 1

“Every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more.”–John 15:2

God tests faith.  Satan tempts us with an eye to our failure.  God tests us with an eye to our growth and progress.  Maturity.  Beauty.  Strength.  These are God’s goals for me and only gained through stress and challenge.

Love/trust always requires proof.  Declare that you love Him and He will certainly ask you to prove it. “Do you love Me, Peter?” said the Lord in John 21.  Then, “feed my sheep”.  True love must always be more than words.

When will we be finished?  Probably never.  Through eternity we will be growing in our love for Him and the fruit that comes from it.

“More love to Thee, O Christ.  More love to Thee. Hear, Thou, the prayer I make on bended knee.”–Elizabeth Prentiss.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

One thought on “More love to Thee”

  1. I agreed 100% that love requires proof and true love must always be more than words. We love God by obeying His Word. Jesus Christ obeyed and did what God, His father, wanted Him to do even to die on the cross. Jesus Christ provided a great example of true love for God and for us, sinners.

    He purchased our sins with His death on the cross so we could reconcile with God and have eternal life. If we love God, we are expected to act on His Word. His Word should serve as a guide in everything Christians do, If we love God, we will do whatever God wants for us to do, just like Jesus Christ did!

    As humans, we are not perfect but trying to read and to obey God’s Word by applying His principles on a daily basis is proof of our love for God. We should act like Christ. We will create distrust if we tell others we love God but we act in contrary to God’s Word. Words and actions go hand-in-hand. Show me your love for God, my Sisters and Brothers, and I will follow you!

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