
Re:Verse reading–1 Samuel 24 (day six)

Where does joy come from? Where is contentment found? Is it derived from being true to self? Pursuing your own ends at all cost? Is it found in pleasing those around you, always bending to their will?

They say, you will only truly be happy, when you are true to yourself. They say, pursue your dreams; let nothing or no one stand in your way. Will Joy be found there?

Saul would say, “no.” That was the life he led. He was willing to put David to death for his own contentment. So overcome with selfpreservation that he could not delight in God’s anointed. Saul would die a miserably jealous and angry man.

Joy is not found from within, but from without. We find joy not by pursuing our own ends, but His. This is why Jesus prayed, “Father, may our joy be made full in themselves.” David knew this, do you?

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Author: Danny Panter

Danny is the Associate Pastor for NextGen Marrieds & Community Missions at FBCSA.

One thought on “Joy”

  1. Positive thinking, gratitude, forgiveness, generosity, serving and honoring others, love and caring for others are some examples of joy.

    Our joy comes from many sources: social, economic, cultural, political, and religious/spiritual. The joy of achieving our personal and professional goals or career goals, achieving our dreams for ourselves, for our children and our family and friends, the joy of financial freedom, the joy of living in peace, the joy of being included in our society, the joy of exercising our own cultural rituals, the joy of having a good health, the joy of serving a mission, such as serving in the military, serving the Jesus Gospel, transportation safety, or serving others in need, the joy of pleasing God to have a healthy spiritual life, the joy of givings, the joy of living in a harmonious society, the joy of doing the right thing for a cause that is bigger than ourselves, the joy of being able to make a difference for our loved ones, for our surroundings, and for our nation, the joy of lifting up others, the joy of giving love and to be loved, the joy of God’s creations, and so on.

    From my perspective and personal experience, not all joys will last forever. There are no guarantees that what we enjoy today will be the same tomorrow. What we have today can be taken away overnight by natural disasters or other uncontrollable events. Environments are constantly changing; people’s hearts are changing when circumstances change. Humans have a beginning and an ending.

    God created the earth and created us in His own image so definitely He will find joy in us if we have faith and trust in Him. God lives forever. He has no beginning and ending. He is always available when we need Him. He is unchanging and is faithful to His believers so we can be assured that our joy can have a long-lasting impact if God is pleased with us for the goals that are of God’s plan and will for us.

    Spiritual foundation of joy should be our aim in this life journey. All other joy foundations are just temporary. I could not agree more that we find joy not by pursuing our own ends but His. What are the sources of your joys? What do you hope for?

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