Easter Re:Verse reading–John 20:1-18 (day five)
“They have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid him.” Having said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing, but she did not know that it was Jesus.
I love the unchangeable nature of God in this passage. Jesus- “the image of the invisible God” says and does exactly what is described and promised in Psalm 46. “God is… a very present help in trouble.”
In the midst of pain, sorrow, confusion, and uncertainty, Jesus comes close. He begins a conversation, and reveals Himself to Mary.
This is such good news: for those in need, for those who are troubled, for those who are confused, and for those who are burdened. Start the conversation with Him, search the scriptures, pour out your heart, listen and feel His promised presence and help. He is faithful! He is Risen!!
Re:Verse reading – 1 Samuel 13:1-14
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No need to fret and fear, to worry and to panic. He knows our needs and will provide. The time frame for intervention or answer is His, not ours. We just have to be patient and keep knocking if God’s answers have not yet come in. Turn over all of our concerns to God and wait for Him. Ask God, seek and knock. The Lord is our refuge and our present help in trouble. God’s foundation is firm. His promises to believers are firm. I am convinced!
God is our creator and has a plan and a purpose for each of us. Jesus is our hope. He is the way, the truth and the life. I truly believe that He will not fail us.
With Jesus’ resurrection, we all have hopeful future. I am inspired by these, “In the midst of pain, sorrow, confusion, and uncertainty, Jesus comes close. He begins a conversation, and reveals Himself to Mary.”
Great advice and affirmation, “Start the conversation with Him, search the scriptures, pour out your heart, listen and feel His promised presence and help. He is faithful! He is Risen!!”