Called to Serve

Re:Verse reading–1 Samuel 9 & 10 (day four)

10:26 – “Saul also went to his house at Gibeah, and the valiant men whose hearts God had touched went with him.”

Saul had been called by God to serve…but he was not alone.  God touched the hearts of some valiant men.  They followed Saul to serve him and to serve God.  There was work to be done in Israel and God began to gather those who would work alongside Saul.  It is the same today.  God often calls a leader to a task, but He likewise calls those with open hearts to serve beside that leader.

This model is most often seen when God calls a new pastor to a church.  Valiant men and women…whose hearts God has touched…join the church and help shoulder the task of reaching a city and the world.  They may already be members of the church, but they renew their commitment to reach people and serve.  Sound familiar to anyone?  Are you ready to get to work?

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Author: Larry Soape

Larry Soape is the Associate Pastor for Median & Senior Adults, and Missions at FBCSA.

One thought on “Called to Serve”

  1. Great topic and content! I am convinced that God calls the right leader to serve His church or to call on the right leader(s) to represent Him to lead in other leadership functions on earth. The wrong leaders who can no longer serve as God’s representatives or ambassadors will be removed. God has established a reward and punishment model! He is the sole authority in the recruitment and selection of selectees and decides where to place them to serve as stewards of His resources on earth and in what capacity based on God’s given spiritual skills and talent and personal wealth.

    Leaders will not be leaders if there are no followers so God provides followers. No one can accomplish anything on his or her own without the efforts, contributions and ideas of others or of followers. God knows teamwork is essential for effective safeguarding of His resources on earth and for effective operations on a daily basis!

    Whatever the call to serve is, God knows His call will be the right call and the tasks will be carried out to completion. I do feel God has called me into various public service and charitable causes and I will carry them through to completion!

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