Re: Verse reading–Acts 3:1-20 (day two)
But Peter said, “I do not possess silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you:” vs. 6a
I learned this verse from a more poetic translation: Silver and gold have I none…it has always stuck with me. I don’t think we modern American Christianity resonates as much with this anymore. It’s almost like, “I’ve got money, that should be enough.” The easiest thing we can do is write a check. It is in the act of serving that challenges us. Meeting our brothers and sisters where they are, praying, sharing, loving; these are the acts of service that will require more than your pocketbook. These are the acts of service that will pay eternal dividends.
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Gold and silver are valued commodities. Rich or poor, people of all nations love to have some as part of their financial foundation. Gold and silver stand for endurance and they represent money or wealth. God or money? Although money can be very helpful, it can also be a hindrance to spiritual growth.
People place a value on gold as it is a symbol of wealth, even today! Through so many generations and in all nations, people sought after gold to be their refuge and savior. We all know when we die, we cannot not bring these precious metals and wealth with us. So the wise choice is God, not so much wealth!
I tend to agree that meeting our brothers and sisters where they are, praying, sharing, loving are the acts of service that will pay eternal dividends. God is about love and relationship for one another. It is just a common sense to bond with one another so we can work effectively to advance God’s mission for mankind.
Money or wealth cannot buy eternity but serving the Lord will give us eternity for sure. If we value one another as we value gold and silver, how can we fail as brothers and sisters in Christ? What are your thoughts on the comparison of gold and silver and brothers and sisters in Christ?