Can I Get a Witness?

Re:Verse reading–Acts 1:1-14 (day five)

The power of the Holy Spirit promised in Acts had a very specific application to the believer- to be a witness for Jesus. “but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses…” . There is both great comfort and clear direction in Jesus’ words. When the power of the Holy Spirit has influence in us and through us, we become witnesses, not merely advocates. We have the capacity to speak and share with the firsthand experience of someone who has tasted and knows who Jesus really is, and what he has done. So, begin to think how you can share the answers to these questions: “What did Jesus do in me when I became a believer?” “How did I change?” “What is Jesus doing in me now, because I know Him as Lord and Savior?” “How am I being changed?”  We can tell the world from our personal experiences the reality of the Living Christ. The promise is this power and witness will take the message of Christ to the ends of the earth.


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Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

One thought on “Can I Get a Witness?”

  1. Great questions for self-examination and evaluation.

    In my view, the best way to be a witness for Jesus is through our actions, attitudes and behaviors toward others and how we conduct our daily lives, not through mentioning Jesus each time, quoting a verse or how many verses they know, or how long they have gone to church or what they have done for church while their personal actions, behaviors and attitudes and their daily lives do not support their faith or their claim as Christians. One’s heart, actions, attitudes and behaviors toward others and how they conduct their lives tell others who they truly are. Faith and walking one’s faith or beliefs go hand-in-hand. We know ourselves but God knows what is in our heart.

    I have seen and worked with folks who claimed Christians; and to my surprises, the way they conduct their lives, their duties, their actions, behaviors and attitudes are in contrary to their faith. If we believe in someone, we will be a witness to that person. If we believe in Jesus, we will act like Jesus. It is simple!

    We are damaging our witness, not enhancing it if we act in contrary to our faith. Doing a good job as an employee is part of having a solid Christian witness and testimony. Being a good US citizen, a dedicated and diligent at any profession is also being a good witness. Giving one personal time despite conflicting daily schedule to help a family member or a close friend; being a good and true friend to one we care about; being honest, sincere and trustworthy is all a part of the Christian witness. Sometimes a gentle smile, a short visit, a warmth welcome to new comers, an open heart, open arms, and an understanding of one’s values and philosophies can be a real blessing and witness to those who appreciate to receive.

    We don’t need to be wealthy, need to be all and to be everywhere every minute to be a good Christian. I don’t think God wants you to suffer for anyone’s gain or happiness. Sure, if an opportunity arises, go for it; however, we need not feel guilty if we do not share the gospel 24 hours, 7 day a week. We all have obligations to ourselves, to our family members, to our loved ones, and to those who are dear and close to us too.

    If we can make a difference in our surroundings in some small ways, we are good Christians. I have expressed my views. What are your thoughts to be a good Christian and witness for Christ?

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